A little about me…

I am a 48-year-old South African singleton living in London! I’m starting with the fact that I’m single, not because it defines who I am but because it has had a huge impact on my life experiences in the last couple of years. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be single and childless at this age…..but here I am.

As a teacher for 23 years, my love and adoration of children has always been a huge driving force in my life. When I was 6 years old I vividly remember pulling a random toddler onto my lap and asking my parents if I could keep her😉 Being a mother continues to be one of my lifelong dreams.

As difficult as it is at times, that I still don’t have my own family – I live in a perpetual state of hope that my time will come. Sometimes the hardest part in life is simply letting go of our preconceived ideas of what ‘normal’ looks like and learning to accept the unexpected. This is by no means a lesson I have mastered yet, but it is one that I continually strive to learn, on a daily basis. I don’t proclaim to have all the answers to figuring out this life. I am just a girl, finding my own way, making mistakes, and then trying my best to learn from them.

My passion for writing means that I love sharing my experiences and life stories, which are all very eclectic in nature. My sincerest hope is that you will enjoy reading them.😁