Category: Self-love

Anxiety/Depression, Creativity, Gratitude, Poetry, Psychology, Self-love

Knitting words

Approximate reading time: 23 minutes It’s been a good week. I finished my first master’s assignment, so feeling relatively proud of myself:-) Although can I just say how grateful I am that I’m not a full-time academic. I am currently working on my next assignment which is about comparing the symptoms of Developmental Trauma with …

Attachment Strategies, Psychology, Self-love

The problem with pink elephants…

Approximate reading time: 8 minutes I’ve been quiet, I know…. 😉 Unfortunately, this week (and next) are my ‘Much-deaded-teaching-in-school days’ where I actually need to do some real work. I’d love to say that it has been a pleasure to be back this week…. but alas I cannot lie. (I am not sure if I …