

Written: 30th October 2021

This week has been

An interesting week

I made some tough decisions

Definitely feeling less bleak

Isn’t it ironic how I wrote

That poem a while back

About how my money problems

Are all magically on track

 And then BOOM!

The arrival of this disastrous cold

 Unable to work

And now low and behold….

All of a sudden I’m chasing

Parents again to pay

For their children’s online lessons

And then last weekend 

I had this “AHA” ephinany

I really shouldn’t be chasing

Anyone you see

Because if they value my work

If they value what I do

They’d quite simply make the payment

The payment that is due

So, I stopped

I didn’t send

The link for the lesson

I didn’t send a warning text message

To say this would happen

Because in the past I always worried

What would the parents think?

And this time


 I didn’t feel a damn thing

 Although losing them will cost

 £360 a month

 But in my heart

I just knew

It had to be done

Because I know

And I’ve known

For too long of a time

 That I’m doing too much

Pretending everything is fine

So, I’ve been sick

My body just trying to say

So, I decided to finally

Shut up and listen

To what my body’s been saying

From the beginning

As much as I do

Love to online teach

I need to open up space

To relax and breathe

To have the faith, yet again

That the path that I’m on

Will unfold organically

As I move along

Interestingly what I am finding

Out about myself these days

 I’m less worried about others

And them being OK

 In the past saying good bye

To kids that I taught

Left me feeling worried

Frazzled and fraught

Would they feel abandoned?

Would they feel I didn’t care

It’s incredible how those feelings

Are no longer there

As I understand more

All that was going on

I was projecting my own feelings

Of not feeling like I belong

The hurt and the pain

That I continually felt

Sometimes life feels like

A never-ending conveyer belt

With people getting on

And off randomly

And every time they left

It was all about me

I then simply reflected

These fears onto the kids

Would they too think it was something

Something that they did?

But I am grateful for the growth

That part of me has healed

 I feel stronger in myself

So much has been revealed

I’m a good friend

 I have value

I finally feel enough

It’s ok if people choose

To walk out of my life

It’s not a reflection

On me or my own worth

So many other new friends

To make on this earth…

It loops back to knowing

 These kids will be fine

And that I need to look after

My own needs this time

And lastly this morning

 I sat in the garden to meditate

 I thought about something

That makes me feel pretty great….

I don’t wake up with the weight

Of the world on top of me

Like I am wading through a ton

Of negative emotional debris

I still have the crazy dreams

But they don’t register that much…

 I feel like my body

Is starting to be more in touch

With the world and what

Is going on around me

More connected

More centred

More able to just breathe

It’s like there is this slowing down

In almost everything that I do

From how fast I walk

To how I cook my food

Just a desire to be more present

 Each and every day

Gratitude that I’m finding

The words I need to say