
Krispy Kreme

Approximate reading time: 3 min

Written the 29th July 2021

 I have a secret obsession

(Probably not unique to me)

An absolute deep love of doughnuts

 especially delicious Krispy Kreme’s

I mean honestly

has there ever

 been such an amazing treat?

I can never seem to get enough

nothing else can quite ever compete

So, I’m sitting editing poems

early this Wednesday morn

When a thought popped in silently

(God sent

I could have sworn!)

Just two words spinning around

Around on repeat

An echo in my brain

Krispy Crème!

Krispy Crème!

 “Go on why not

buy a whole dam box

It’s £20! You are jobless!

 Have you completely lost the plot?

You need to be frugal

you must save every cent

(That’s the voice of Neurotic Angel

as she quietly laments)

But I wanted Krispy Cremes!


 I wanted a whole box

(Imagine not having to share

the whole entire lot!)

So, I followed my heart

forked out the cash

Then dug into my newly delivered

Yummy doughnut stash!

Dinner, lunch and supper

was what they were meant to be

But I ate 7 in one go

 (with a cup of tea)

I noticed with deep awareness

(I’m so spiritual

don’t you know?)

My doughnuts didn’t taste

that great

(Let’s face it they’re just dough!)

Isn’t it funny how we fool ourselves

 into thinking how we WILL feel

When we give into our cravings

all happiness will be revealed

Alas, I’m here to tell you

It absolutely will not….

after eating 12 doughnuts

this is all that I got

A headache

I feel sick

 my throat is really sore

I never want to see another Krispy Kreme

(Never ever no more)

A clear recognition

(A smidgen fogginess on the brain)

that I’ll never think of Crispy Kreme’s

 quite ever the very same

There is no point to this poem

(Frankly, I’m just writing crap)

But I am on holiday

I’m having fun

And now I think it’s time for my nap