Gratitude, Poetry

I fit

Approximate reading time: 3min

Written 12th July 2021

Today was amazing

 I had such a great day

As I sat in the staffroom

With some colleagues as we played…

a domino championship

I can’t remember the last time

I’ve laughed so much

It felt a little sublime

I sat feeling connected


 Anxiety free

Grateful to find a school

where I can just be me

No, it’s not perfect

 There have been some ups and downs

but overall I adore

this place that I have found

I usually avoid staffrooms

 (Like the bubonic plague)

many are not that friendly

at the end of the day

And in the past, I’ve found

 it hard to comprehend

 Why is it we have to

 continually contend

With teachers who feel

It’s perfectly okay

To sit and bitch about children

 Throughout the whole day

I find it exhausting

listening to them moan

About the behaviour and audacity

of tiny souls not yet grown

Of course, it’s not all teachers

 (I have to clarify)

There are so many who feel

As frustrated as I

One young teacher

I met last year at a school

Confided to me bewildered

“This is really not cool

I’m shocked by how many teachers

don’t even like kids

It’s not even something

 that is easily hid”

I once heard a teacher

jokingly say

“You won’t believe what Damien

 said to me today

He came and asked me

 Completely deadpan

Could he please be put onto


She laughed as she recalled

her words back to him

(Not an inch of empathy

 just a smirky grin)

 “You know that Ritalin

 won’t make you smart!”

Honestly, all I thought was

“Do you even have a heart?”

I’ve never worked with a child

 with so many difficulties




But my God

was he amazing

 so determined and kind

Sportsmen of the year

every single time

That kid had one of the biggest

hearts I’ve ever seen

how dare anybody say something

 so incredibly mean

Sorry I think I’m off

on a tangent, yet again

It’s my own frustration with myself

Because I never spoke up to defend

  Instead, I would silently listen

To hurtful words said

So, it became easier to avoid

those situations instead

But for some reason this staffroom

is nothing like that

All the teachers do is sit around

and genuinely chat

Everyone greets others

As they walk through that door

It’s the friendliest school

I’ve EVER been in before

And then to top it all off

at the end of the day

My headteacher came to find me

Once more to finally say

They are buying out my contract

I will no longer be self-employed

After 12 long years

I’m ecstatic


So, gratitude, gratitude

is oozing from my veins

I am so very proud of myself

That I managed to sustain

I persevered

I used my voice

I didn’t run away

I’m just overwhelmed with peacefulness

everything is ok