All about Dogs, Just a random day

All in a day’s work

Approximate reading time: 4 min

I’m stuck at an impasse!

I need to post something by tomorrow because I have successfully posted one blog post a week

(at least)

for almost a year now.

On the 14th of July 2023

it will be my one-year anniversary of being a bonafide, serious, committed blogger!

(For someone who has chronic commitment issues…this is HUGE.)

I can’t fail now!!!!

The problem is I have an assignment due in ten days!


And it is quietly zapping all my creative juices.

It is supposed to be 3500 words long….so far I have written 4500 words

(and I’m not even halfway yet)

Of course,

I could just post a poem.

But as luck would have it the next poem in line to be posted is my very angry birthday poem from 2021…

and unfortunately,

I am still fighting with certain voices in my head about that one…..

If I’m honest with myself,

I do know which voice is going to win…

but I don’t have the time right now to listen to the others and give them due diligence.

Maybe next week?

(Maybe not!)

After my assignment!!!!


Ok, so I think I will just have to tell you about delightful Ollie,

who I looked after last weekend.

It was love at first sight when I first saw Ollie.

My first ever dog sit with a spaniel.

I adore Spaniels.

I could not have been any happier.

Unfortunately, if Ollie came with a manual his fine print would need to be:

  1. Loves waking up at 4 am to play
  2. (Hide the toilet paper at all costs)
  3. Hates dog leads

Seriously, I mean

Sunday morning I spent a good part of 30 minutes running around the house trying to catch him so I could put the dam thing on him. On the odd occasion that I actually did get close to him, he would growl and snap at me…..

…..he was worse than Knersus.

Eventually, I came up with this oh-so-brilliant plan to chase him outside into the little garden at the front of the house so that I could have him enclosed in a smaller space. I think I secretly hoped that if he was outside he might actually forget that he hates the leash and I could take the dam dog for a walk. So I opened the front door…only to see that the garden gate was open.

(No problem, I can close a gate!)

Front door then slams shut behind me.

I am locked outside the house.

No keys

No phone.

( And no Shoes)


I can hear Ollie barking inside, he doesnt sound too happy that I left without him.


I am pleased to report that I stayed relatively calm and composed.

(besides the internal swearing of course)

I reminded myself that this wasnt the first time I had done this.

(Uhhumm no indeed!)

Last year, when I did this, the dog owners were American diplomats.

I had to get a cab to the other side of London so that I could get a key from the American Embassy.

It was all extremely covert and official!

I felt like a spy!

I have, since then, become VERY militant about ALWAYS checking that I have the keys before I leave any house.

(This was a mere fluke I tell you!!)

I knew that the back door was open so for all intents and purposes this was going to be a cinch.

Luckily the next-door neighbour had a ladder and he was happy enough to let me use it.

I was able to climb over their fence into Ollie’s backyard.

Ollie is barking at me like I’m an intruder!!!!

The good news is he was so happy to see me again that I was finally able to grab him during our ‘welcome home cuddle!’

All I can say is thank God I don’t have to do that every single day!

Life is anything but boring when you have a dog:-)

Have an amazing week……