Approximate reading time: 15min I love nursery and reception age. When you are teaching in a good nursery where the children are calm and regulated, where there are clear boundaries as to what is acceptable and not acceptable and where the teachers are firm, but loving it can be a truly lovely experience. There is …
Author: Gayle Hill
Saint Gayle to the Rescue
Approximate reading time: 18 min It has been a bit of an insane week. I am sitting in my bedroom, staring out at my garden and I feel like all I want to do for the next two days is SIT and DO NOTHING. My nervous system needs a little reboot. So, I thought I …
Down and Out the ‘Rabbit hole’
Approximate reading time: 8 min Written 10th April 2022 Yesterday I spent The whole day obsessed Watching videos on narcissism (A little stuck in my head) As I dove down the rabbit hole Trying to figure out How to recognise toxic people (A paranoid-narcissism-scout) What prompted this fixation Someone who’s behaviour was bleak A celebrity …
“Goodbye Stanley”
Approximate reading time: 12 min Written the 9th April 2022 I’ve been having a good week So, I decided to apply To a job on LinkedIn That randomly caught my eye An opportunity to work Online from home In personal development (Helping people grow) I checked out the company I liked what I saw The owner, …
The Tale of Ms Carrot
Approximate reading time: 14 minutes Before I dive into my story…I just need to say I had an amazing 2 weeks looking after a year 2 class in Harrow. They were the sweetest children; the TA was lovely and the staff were super friendly and helpful. For the briefest of moments, I thought “Ahhhhhhh maaaybeeeee …
Making Space
Approximate reading time: 5 min Written 4th April 2022 It’s been a great week Doing nothing so far I made a pact with myself That nothing would be barred I can sleep when I like I can stay in bed If I don’t want to meditate I’ll do nothing instead If I want to …
Random Ramblings
Approximate reading time: 15 min I am moving tomorrow. I am a bundle of exhausted, relieved emotions at the moment These last 2 months all I have been watching on Netflix is the entire 10 series of Friends. I’m not sure why. I think I’ve been so all over the place that I just needed …
My ‘Almost’ Silver Lining
Approximate reading time: 14 minutes Ok, so here’s a brief synopsis of my week. (It’s going to be thrilling I tell you) So, still waiting for my new lease to arrive I did the only thing an anxious, avoidant, with slight trust issues could do and continued looking for a new place. (Just in case) …
Déjà vu
Approximate reading time: 8 min I feel like I need to apologise for not writing anything ‘fresh’ for the last couple of weeks. I realise I don’t NEED to but still…there is an explanation. I am moving again. If you are getting an uncanny feeling of déjà vu…I apologise. (Yes, we have totally been here …
Perhaps, maybe…
Approximate reading time: 8 min Written 29 March 2022 Today I’m a little tearful Not sure what’s going on inside But I showed up I meditated (In my beautiful garden outside) Halfway through the tears started When in popped my mum I didn’t hold them back I just let them come Because for all of …