Approximate reading time: 5 minutes The written post is coming tomorrow xxx Written 25th of September 2021 “It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.” ― D.W. Winnicott It hasn’t been an easy week I will admit At this precise moment I feel like absolute shit First that heart breaking class …
Author: Gayle Hill
For the Naysayers with love
Approximate Reading Time: 18 min I am very conscious that my neurotic energy is rampant at the moment. I haven’t journaled in almost 2 weeks I am struggling to focus on anything I am thinking about everything I have been eating crap since December I am ashamed to admit I haven’t done my yoga or …
What NOT to do when sick!
So, I wish I could say it has been an exciting week. But it has not. I’ve been in bed with flu for most of it. Personally, I think my body has had an allergic reaction to dating and is trying to get me to stop. (I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!) I know I said …
The Art of Discernment
Approximate reading time: 7min It has been a bit of an up-down week. We received a letter from the receivership company’s solicitors informing us they are applying for a court order to have our flat repossessed. (It wasn’t a great day.) It triggered quite a lot of emotions in me. There was a colossal amount …
What WOULD Einstein think?
Approximate reading time: 6 min It’s amazing how a looming prison sentence can breathe life into you forcing you to ‘carpet diem‘ with an inordinate amount of zest and zeal. It’s been a busy week… frankly, I’m exhausted….I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. (Ummmm am I allowed to take breaks …
The End of the drought
Approximate reading time: 11 min It has been a good week. Lots of news! I have had another really lovely week in the same school, working with the same autistic boy. I really love doing the one-to-one work and not having to worry about the whole class for a change. I have one more week …
Clearing the Space
Approximate reading time: 4 minutes I’ve finished my proposal! 3 days early…. I feel sooooooo proud. It was touch and go there for a minute. I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive. I contemplated quitting the masters. (Shamefully, I did) BUT I PERSERVERED! (‘Cause in case you forgot) This week has …
A Life Full of Surprises
Approximate reading time: 3 min If you are single, and you survived it! Well done you, you are a trooper:-) I was on holiday this week, so it’s been a week of proposal writing. (I am almost finished!!!) I took the day off on Wednesday to go and help Richard buy more plants for his …
Rethinking Co-dependency
Approximate reading time: 8 minutes I have 2 weeks left to finish my proposal! TWO! Luckily this week I am on holiday so I can devote myself to it 24/7 (Oh the joy!) I had an epiphany this week (It was beautiful I tell you) I realised how much my co-dependency issues have been triggered …
Cheat night #2
Approximate reading time: 3 minutes It’s not very original I know. But I have to cheat again. I have been working on my dissertation proposal the whole weekend….and all the boring academic writing has sucked the freaken life out of me!! I have no energy to write anything remotely interesting. So, I am giving myself …