Today I found a pigeon stuck in our girl’s bathroom and was mortified to hear that the poor thing had been in there the whole of yesterday as well. 😢 I spent ages jumping up and down trying to get the poor thing to fly out the door. He kept flying too high and hitting the top of the wall over and over again. I literally wanted to scream at him…
“It’s not working for you dammit all …do something else! Fly LOWER!.”
But unfortunately, I don’t speak pigeon so he didn’t understand.😨 I tried throwing a tablecloth over him, a huge bag but nothing worked. Was getting mildly flustered and even attempted trying to reason with the damn thing. ( yes, I was talking to a bird.😱)
” Look I know you are tired, I know you are hungry but I’m not enjoying chasing you around this room you know….I’m actually trying to help you.”
As to be expected…no reply. He just looked at me with these sad little pigeon eyes that seemed to say: ” Why meeee?” 😭 (um because you flew in here dumaas!)
But thank goodness, as always the universe provided an answer. The reptile man was visiting to speak to our Grade R’s and he very kindly said he would come and help.
Me: “Umm don’t you have a net or something? “🤔
Reptile man: “No but I will see what I can do first.”
(Sigh, I held out little hope🙈)
So what was his bright plan? Continue to chase pigeon around the room until it was completely exhausted. He said as soon as it gets tired it will drop. It didn’t sound like a very loving plan, with poor creature hitting the walls, lights and ceilings over and over again. But low and behold after only about 2 minutes, pigeon was flying so low that reptile man could just guide him out of the door.
I was mildly elated, to say the least. 🤗You gotta love a man with a plan. Much to his shock, he got a big hug 😁
So what is the point of my story, you might be wondering? It got me thinking this must be how God views us at times. Continually willing us to just take a different route, try something different and feeling a little helpless as he watches us continue to fly into that same wall over and over again. And then sometimes it takes us hitting our all-time lows before we can finally ……” Wallaaaaa
Four more days left.
Nite Nite
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