So today was supposed to be my final post. I have the entire post all planned out in my head, but then as usual ‘life’ happened and I now feel slightly compelled to write about that
I have always loved my birthdays🎂🍰. So much so that I spent my 20’s and 30’s having huge parties every year. What better excuse to have all the people you love around you on the same day? Queen for a day…what more could an enneagram 4/Gemini princess ask for? 👸 Unfortunately, the downside of having big parties is people always cancelling at the last minute or even worse not even bothering to cancel and just not pitching. I have to admit as a highly sensitive person this has always been a pet hate of mine and something that has continually hurt me. 😱😭 My logical head says it’s just life, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you…but for my heart it still suxs. (How could you possibly not want to see the princess on her birthday?😞) For me,
The last party I had was for my 40th and although it was a lovely evening with some very wonderful friends turning up, as always I had an incident of one friend not pitching. Not only did she not pitch, she didn’t even send so much as a text message to say she wouldn’t be coming. And to make matters worse I never heard from her again after that. (It is truly amazing how many friends fall completely out of your life when you stop initiating contact😰). Anyway, I knew she was ok as a mutual friend told me that she had just gone away for the weekend. This mutual friend also seemed a bit dumbfounded that I had felt hurt. The implication being that I should just ‘get over it’. Of course, he was right, as any psychologist or spiritual teacher will tell you ‘blaming’ other people for your feelings of unhappiness is never a healthy behaviour. At the end of the da
So it was after that experience I made a healthy life choice for myself for the intermittent future. No more birthday parties. You see in my mind if I was able to control the circumstances then I could successfully stop/limit or prevent any future disappointment or hurt. I also thought it would be a good idea for me to learn to let go of the idea of having lots of people around me to feel my own sense of value and worth. I have to admit my plan worked well for two successive years. For the last two years, I have simply chosen one or two of my closest friends and just hang out with them. Last year I went ice-skating with Ntombi and Rachel and it was the best birthday ever. Low key, no expectations, no disappointments just time with two of my besties. This year with both my friends gone I made plans with a new friend; we were going to go to the Michael Buble and Adele cover show. I felt safe.😁 (Birthday disappointment successfully avoided again. Check ✔.) Unfortunately, the universe clearly didn’t think I had quite learnt this lesson yet. ( and it was now finally time to learn it). My friend, through no fault of her own, had to cancel our plans and couldn’t make it.
I didn’t feel the usual devastation that I would have felt in the past. I actually felt fine…and just reminded myself that nature abhors a void and that I would find someone to come with me. So I made a concerted effort to message other friends to try and find a replacement. Unfortunately, everyone, although very grateful that I had asked them already had plans. In the back, if my mind I kind of thought: “Worst comes to worst I will take my adopted mum Charlotte with.” On visiting Charlotte the evening before, I jokingly suggested she come with me to the concert to which she responded: “
In the Glennon Doyle Melton video that I posted a few weeks
So yesterday, the morning of my birthday, I woke up at 5.30 and was hit by the realization that I wouldn’t get my early morning birthday calls from my two mums (they had both always wanted to be the “first” caller of the day😂) and that I might actually have to attend this stupid concert all by myself. Honestly, it just hit like a thunderbolt⚡⚡⚡ and I sobbed my eyes out for about ummm 30 minutes. Honestly, I have never felt so freaking’ alone. The hot loneliness was just too much for me to bear. “I didn’t want to be a bloody warrior!!! I wanted to have a fun night out with just one friend” I wrote angrily in my morning pages, telling God that this was not cool at all. What infuriated me the most was I had been so bloody excited to write my final 40th post…I was so amped, so positive and now I just couldn’t. Just as I finished my writing I got the most beautiful message from another new friend, Natasha that I had met at Toastmasters a few months ago. I thanked her and told her of my dilemma.😵 I even asked her if she could come but her husband had organised a surprise dinner out for her birthday on Monday. Thank God she picked up the phone and called me. As is always the case with me, simply connecting with someone is what I need to help stem the tide of tears. She just listened, reminded me I was loved and then suggested I simply put a post up saying I had an extra ticket; because the chances of someone else feeling lonely out there were pretty high. I admitted to her that I had actually thought of that but the absolute shame it elicited in me was overwhelming.😳 I mean honestly announcing to the world that you were “alone and friendless” on your birthday was a little more than I could bear at that point. I would rather have turned up alone to the concert than actually admit on a public platform that I was feeling alone (crazy hey?😖)
Natasha imployed me to “be brave” and I assured her I would (consider it). Internal prayer being: “Oh please God
No sooner than I had put the phone down did I get a message from my toastmaster’s mentor, Penny, wishing me happy birthday. I swallowed my pride and called her to ask if she would like to join me. (Attempting not to sound desperate at all😉)
She said that would be wonderful and I was over the moon with relief. I didn’t have to be ‘Fannie no mates on her birthday” 🤗
A few hours later I arrived at my hairdresser’s and just as I was about to sit down I jokingly turned round to ask: “So where is my cake?” Only to see Jhane walking towards me with a little cake box. I was so touched I burst into tears (again.) See I cry when happy as well.😂
. I have an awesome hairdresser. 😍
As I was leaving the hairdresser I got a call from Liza, who I have also met through Toastmasters. We have never actually met outside of Toastmasters but she regularly comments on my posts and I have so appreciated her support and encouragement. (She is also a kick-arse public speaker who inspires me with her confidence and ease of speaking publically)
Liza declares: “I have decided that you and I are going to be friends. And not just Facebook friends…real friends that hang out and go for coffee and stuff.”
That declaration was the absolute best birthday present ever. Her reaching out and connecting just felt amazing and was literally an answer to a prayer ! I am such a big believer in making the effort to see friends, my ‘girl dates’ have become such an important part of my self-care routine and I am always making the effort to step out of my comfort zone and ask friends out. (I am a Gemini after all and we do love people😍). In the last few years I have had to learn to let go of some friends and simply accept that maybe friends come for a reason, a season or a life time. So when I meet someone I connect with and totally enjoy hanging out with I will initiate contact a few times and then if nothing happens I ask them to simply contact me when they have time. Its been a hard fact of life that some people never have time. I have had to learn to let go, in love and know that thats ok….that is simply their reality. I dont need to continually put the effort into keeping up contact with everyone. (Incidently one of my “life coaching” goals set when I was 33 was ‘contact and connect with 2 friends every single day’. I was trying to be “loving and supporting” but it was absolutely exhausting. ) So I have to learn to have faith that if a friend truly wants me in their life they would make the point of reaching out, at some point. Unfortunately this has resulted in my friendship pool dwinderling quite significantly over the last few years. What I specifically loved and adored about Rachel and Ntombi was that they always seemed to be on the same page as me when it came to this. It was such a relief with them not to always be the one initiating contact. I have so missed that this last month. Liza reaching out truly was awesome🤗❤🌈
So I then spent a wonderful afternoon with my 3 adopted mums, was spoilt with the most beautiful cake and then headed off to the show to meet Penny.
We were seated at a table of four that we were meant to share with another couple. (Incidentally I was also very happy to discover we had a young blonde Ryan Gosling look-alike for a waiter. What more could a girl ask for on her birthday?😍)
Soon after we sat down our adjoining couple arrived and I just immediately loved them. They already knew Penny and I was so touched by how the man introduced “his wife”. I thought maybe they were newlyweds as he seemed so incredibly in love and proud to show her off. It was so very sweet. As a couple, I was so drawn to them. He had this bubbly, smiley face that you couldn’t help but want to be friends with and she had this beautiful, calm sereneness about her that made you think she had a ‘happiness secret’ she needed to share. The wife and I both had this feeling like we had met before, but we couldn’t figure out were. You know that instant comfortableness you feel with someone new. Together they were so clearly attentive and in love with each other. I was shocked to discover they had been married
He then tapped me sweetly on the shoulder and said: “But she is having a good night tonight ” (Gorgeous and wise😱)
Random thought: “I know BUT I’m sitting out here crying.” His point, however was made. 😉So I pulled myself together and went back to our table. It wasn’t easy at first but I kept watching her and seeing her absolute joy at being there listening to that beautiful music. She was 100% present, in that moment and happy. The way we all should be. As I sat there I had this amazing epiphany about my lovely Anna that had died in 2016. She had known she was dying and she had never told any of us. She did, of course, tell random strangers….like my Char when she stayed with me a few months before she died. She
So after that, I was pretty soon able to re-align myself and enjoy the beautiful evening with
So it is indeed clear that the universe abhors a void. All we need to do is have a little faith, and when we don’t have faith calling a good friend to remind us is always beneficial. Thanks again for all the lovely birthday messages it appears indeed that I am not Fannie no-mates. Working on not forgetting that again.
Much love