Anxiety/Depression, Narcissism, Poetry

Down and Out the ‘Rabbit hole’

Yesterday I spent

The whole day obsessed

Watching videos on narcissism

As I dove down the rabbit hole

Trying to figure out

How to recognise toxic people

What prompted this fixation

Someone who’s behaviour was bleak

A celebrity behaving badly

At the Oscars this week

I’ll admit when I observed

All their pent-up rage

Bubbling up in front of everyone

Live on that stage

I felt really unnerved

 It scared me so

It re-triggered all those fears

Who the safe people are

In this crazy-making world

I could never imagine him displaying

As much fury as that

What was behind him getting triggered

Why did he overreact

So, what then procedes

Hours of trying to analyse

The actor and his wife

So I could suitably surmise

Were there red flags

What were the signs

Could I make a judgment

Could I pinpoint their crimes

And it’s ridiculous really

But honestly, it’s so bloody

Fucking hard to resist

A step in the right direction

But my narcissistic obsession

Still fascinates me

I remember years ago

A friend irritably declared

My head knew what she meant

Sure, I understood

The futileness of it all

But the habit withstood

And funny what I notice

Was a curiosity behind

This constant narcistic obsessing

And I noticed  what hit hard

What got me so confused

Was the work that Dr Ramani

Did with these two

Her appearance on their channel

Teaching them all about

The traits of narcissism

How they play out

And it filled me with PANIC

How the hell did she MISS it

How on earth didn’t SHE know

Because if she failed to notice them

Then what hope do WE have

Us mere mortals

That live amongst the toxicity

And as I soaked up all of this panic

As I took a step back

I found a little space for compassion

The realization that growing up

As a sensitive child

In a home that was chaotic

With a parent so riled

Helps pave the way for this

Beautiful neuroticism

One of the core characteristics of

Growing up with narcissism

Because an unpredictable parent

Who’s unable to be

Stable and consistent

Makes you more cautious

More hyper attuned

Your antenna always active

To pick up their mood

Because consciously or not

You recognise them as a risk

And this is then hardwired

Into your emotional disc

Your sensitivity is heightened

You become hyper vigilant

Your experience of the world

So filled with dissonance

It’s like walking on eggshells

As you assess every mood

Anxious and wary

With each person who is new

Which makes life a little exhausting

As you are constantly judging

And you become the gifted master

Of people pleasing

While inside honestly

You feel like silently screaming

So, I kind of get that for me

Going down the ‘rabbit hole’

Is simply a defence mechanism

That keeps my inner child in control

Because if she can learn from other people

Recognise more red flags

Then perhaps she’ll be less likely

To get caught up in the snags

And in fairness to myself

I just have to say

My years of analysing others

Has worked in a way

Because I have learnt

I have grown

I have become so much more aware

Of the red flags to look out for

The people of whom to beware

And perhaps this also explains

Why I constantly feel so hooked

Into negativity

Why I always notice the toxic

Damaging souls

Why I need to keep writing

Why I haven’t written on my blog

For over two years

The idea of opening myself up

Triggers way too much fear

And, finally, why all of this

Is quite simply ok

I am perfectly happy with my life

As it is now, today

Because the more awareness I have

The more I will grow

I’ll release old defence mechanisms

My anxiety will plateau

As I learn to integrate

All these feelings of my inner girl

It will take a little time

But I’ll get back into the world