Approximate reading time: 2min
Written on the 4th July 2021
I’m done playing games
Always trying to be nice
A narcissist’s mood
is like rolling a dice
Never quite sure
What you’ll get on each throw
One day they love you
The next day maybe no
It’s exhausting trying
Not to take it to heart
Emotionally draining
Trying to figure out my part
Utter confusion
Seems to be my norm
Hot, cold or simply
Nonchalantly lukewarm
So, I’m opting out
Of playing this game
Doing the only thing that
Might keep me a little sane
Dr Ramani, my hero
Is vocal about
Taking back your power
Learning to break out
From the emotional hold
That they so easily lord
When polite conversation
Leaves you invalidated
An intentional technique
To help you step out of the loop
That undermines their efforts
To undermine you
This strategy involves
Becoming the most boring S.O.B.
Like an uninteresting grey rock
That’s what I need to be
Stop intentionally engaging
Relinquish my desire to connect
Understand how their manipulation
Continually affects
Perfunctory greetings
I’m going to be pretty much deadpan
Could removing expectations
Lesson their upper hand?
Perhaps what Dr Ramani
Says might actually be true
That the narcissist might simply
Get bored with you?
Without feeding into their need
For manipulative control
Stepping out of their drama
Learning to let go
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