Approximate reading time: 4 min
Oh My God
I am 49 years old!
How did this happen? 😉
It’s been a pretty amazing weekend.
I got really spoilt by my gorgeous flatmates and friends.
(Thank you soooo much guys)
I was reading through my ‘Happy fucking birthday poem‘ that I wrote in 2021. It almost made me laugh…..I definitely wasn’t a happy camper.
This year’s birthday poem is a little more cheerful…I promise.
I think I have forgiven the world.
Years ago I remember having a heated discussion with a then-boyfriend of mine. I will never forget his words…
He said:
“It feels like you expect life to be happy all the time. It’s not. Life is made up of moments of happiness that you just have to grab whenever you can.”
I, of course, was adamant that he was wrong.
There had to be a way that this illusive happiness could stick around a little longer.
In hindsight, I realise that we were both right.
I get it now…life is a roller coaster ride of emotions.
The difference now is the self-loathing that I carried for so long is gone. I still have sad moments/days, I still have times where the world just feels too overwhelming and I want to crawl up into a teeny tiny little ball and hide…..but somewhere in the back of my mind is this calming voice continually reminding me
“This too will pass, nothing is permanent”
I no longer feel like I am stuck in those emotions.
I am more able to process my negative emotions through my poetry….rather than beating myself up for having them.
And as a result, I am more able to grab those happy, blissful moments in life and run with them.
I was thinking this week about my newfound love of country music these last couple of years.
The majority of country songs are love songs.
Beautiful songs about the love, gratitude and adoration of another.
And so, in my 49th year on this planet, I am truly grateful that I am starting to change that for myself.
Every day, I try to remind myself that I need to be my own love song!
And finally, before I go….I just wanted to say thank you to all those people who join me on my journey….I don’t know who most of you are, but I am so grateful for each and every login.
Please remember to be kind to yourself.
A country song to help you remember.
(I am cheesy as shit- I know!
Isn’t it AWESOME 🙂
Written the 8th June 2024
I awoke this morning
Fresh from a dream about you
It feels like years since your energy
Has radiated through
For so many years
(2 decades of my life)
All I dreamed
All I wanted was to be your wife
But it never happened
A mere vision of what I would need
To feel cherished
To feel accepted
To feel safe to be me
And in all of my dreams
Of you through the years
The same thing over again
Always reappeared
You were shut off
So far away
With me watching
With me waiting
Would we finally have our day
The visceral feeling of rejection
I was never enough
I wasn’t what you wanted
I wasn’t worthy of your love
And then last night
We lay tangled
In each others arms
United finally
Underneath the stars
I felt loved
I felt whole
I felt authentically me
I felt valued
I felt precious
I finally felt seen
And I awoke this morning
With a smile on my face
A deep knowing that this feeling
Had NOTHING to do with your embrace
A mere symbol
A reflection
Of how it feels to be
In love with myself
Authentically me
To feel abundance
To feel Joy
To know I am enough
To be filled to the brim
With unconditional love
To be proud of my life
To value what I’ve achieved
Not a cookie-cutter reality
But at least I can breathe
That I wake (most) mornings
Gratitude seeping through my veins
That I have worked through my grief
Healed so much of my shame
That I am surrounded by people
Who love and accept me
Cocooned by their love
My extended family
So, on the eve of this birthday
(Tomorrow I’ll be 49)
I’m awash with peacefulness
Everything will be fine
Finally embracing the road
Less travelled that I see
Just grateful for my journey
And all that it means
Knowing my worth is not measured
By being a wife
I don’t need to have children
To feel valued in life
I don’t need a great Dharma
Or purpose to be real
But I can show up each day
And authentically feel
I can open my heart
I can be undeterred
The good parts
The bad parts
I can share my words
I am loved
I am whole
I am all I was meant to be
Happy to be alive
Grateful to be me