Just a random day, Poetry

That Thing I Hate

Written 11th November 2021

Good Lord, I’m soooooo

Incredibly proud, you see

Yesterday I did something

That’s been gnawing at me…

For about 5 months….

 I’m the queen of  procrastination

And getting jobs done

My tax self-assessment…

I’d rather spend the day playing

Blissfully with rhyme

But yesterday I was determined

 I’m not this hapless!!

Fuck it! This is the day

I FINALLY do my tax!

So I sat down and worked

For 7 hours straight

I kid you not

 I did NOT take a break

Driven by determination

I was like a machine

I wanted this bloody job done

And way behind me

So I did it!

I’m so proud….

I pushed “calculate”

I was horrified to see

The sum  4898….


Was this some kind of hoax?

Underpaid tax from this last year

Someone’s idea of a bad joke


Seriously, how can that be right?

Another voice jumps in

I was irritated

I was annoyed

But I didn’t  get stressed

I didn’t throw up my hands

In frustration or distress

I didn’t burst into tears

I handled it calmly

And Low and behold…

It’s like my ‘Self‘ -reassured

My whole inner family…

So that’s it, I have nothing

Profound or wise to say

Just insignificant ramblings

Of a somewhat wasted day