Anxiety/Depression, Dating

How to save a life

You aren’t going to believe this…but I started online dating again.

I know, I know….you are probably wondering what the hell brought this on.

Am I just a perpetual glutton for punishment?

Surely, I should just give up and let THAT dream die!

Never I tell you!

About two weeks ago I went to the philosophy meet-up that I went to a couple of months ago where I met my new friend Surjay.

The topic of discussion this time was: Non-traditional relationships.

I arrived a little late to find everyone sitting around a huge table, in a pub, all debating the ups and downs of polyamorous relationships. As I sat listening to everyone share their philosophical contemplations on the matter it dawned on me that I don’t really give a shit.

But I really don’t see the point of sitting around and debating stuff that I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO experience with. If some chickie wants to have multiple boyfriends at once, then carpe diem to her.

I seem to have enough trouble finding one man.

Kudos to anyone who manages to find three.

It dawned on me at that precise moment in time, that I am not, and probably never will be

a philosopher.

When the debate ended people split into smaller groups to continue the discussion,

that I still had no interest in.

I was cursing myself for not having my usual stockpile of Nurofen Plus!

While I was contemplating making my escape, one of the men came over to sit next to me and say hi.

He was kinda cute.

It felt really nice that he had made the effort to come and speak to me.

So, we started chatting.

Aadhil told me that he had recently completed a walk across the whole of Spain.

It turns out the walk that he did was the Camino de Santiago which is traditionally a Catholic pilgrimage.

Mmmmm, ok interesting.

The word ‘born-again’ had a rather profound effect on me.

My chest tightened in an instant and I felt myself cage up.

I jokingly commented that maybe we should steer clear from the ‘religion’ topic as I am not religious.

Aadhil chose to ignore me completely and then asked me, with this condescending know-it-all-smile,

if I had ever asked God which God is the real God.

Apparently, according to the gospel of Aadhil, if you ask God this question…..

He will answer you directly.

To say I was beyond irritated

would be a mild understatement.

There is nothing that infuriates me more than people who preach of grandiose experiences of God that are more than likely absolute rubbish. Don’t get me wrong….I do believe that there are people out there who have mystical experiences …..

….however, I believe these people are the minority and these experiences certainly didn’t happen because that particular person found the ‘right words‘ to address God.

It made me think about all those years growing up listening to people’s amazing testimonies in church….these wonderful over the top, magical experiences so many ‘other’ Christians seemed so eager to gloat about. I wonder what my childhood would have been like had I not spent the majority of it wishing and praying for God to show himself to me as he seemed to do for so many other people.

I am grateful that these days I have let go of this desperate need for validation from a higher power.

Sorry rant over.

Where was I?

My head was suddenly aching.

I felt completely dysregulated and I wasn’t really able to articulate much at all.

I picked up my bag and I very politely informed Aadhil that it was lovely to meet him but I had a splitting headache

and I would be leaving now.

Aardhil sat staring at me with his mouth wide open.

Part of me felt terrible…..

another part was just about ready to commit murder so technically I did him a favour…

It has been YEARS since someone has tried to convert me…..

but clearly it still has the same effect on me, as always.

I wondered as I made my way home, nursing my now thumping head, if one day I will be able to stay calm, regulated and unaffected when someone tries this shit with me?

Mmmmm………the jury is out.

But there is a point to my story….. a silver lining of sorts.

Those couple minutes with Aardhil, when he first sat down,

felt pretty cool.

Imagine meeting a man who enjoys spending time with me,

wants to get to know me

and doesn’t feel the need to save my soul.

Aadhil inadvertently inspired me to jump back onto the dating horse again.

Thank you Aadhil!!:-)

You will be happy to know I am no longer using Bumble.

The App I am using now seems to be working much better for me.

How it works is this:

I send about 4/5 messages out a day to wonderful-sounding men who have beautifully written profiles and seem to have their shit together.

What evens it out a bit is that I get at least 4/5 likes/messages a day from guys who I am not the least bit interested in and who I subsequently have to then ignore.

It’s like this huge Dating Karma Wheel that just never stops turning.

And I am a part of it!

Surely the Dating Wheel of Fortune will line up at some point and give me an amazing match?

With 4 billion men in this world….there ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE at least one for me.

A Message for my Younger Self

Another dream

Looking for a home

But this one was different

This time I wasn’t alone

It was one of the few dreams

Where all of the faces were clear

People from my past

Amalgamated from

All the different “groups”

 I so desperately wanted to belong

Those toxic, hurtful

‘So cool’ kiddies

Who in retrospect

Had zero empathy

House hunting together 

Looking for a space

Eight of us wanting

A new home to embrace

We eventually found one

Which could have been

My ideal house

A log cabin of sorts

Were it not for the rubbish

The utter filth on the floor

Or the ghastly wallpaper

That lined the cabin walls

The cluttered bric-a-brac

Scattered through the halls

Rotting Wood, stompies

Beer bottles everywhere

Like those horrible student houses

Two double rooms

Dirty mattresses on the floor

No fucking privacy!

I mean there weren’t any doors

The place made me gag

It was an absolute shitstorm

My days are frankly done

 Sleeping in crappy dorms

But my “friends” loved it

They felt right at home

As they lit up their cigarettes

 While staring at their phones

In my head, I’m thinking

They mocked, they teased

Did I think I was so posh

What was I so afraid of

A little squeeze and a squash

I am proud to say

I didn’t concede

I stuck to my decision

I paid them no heed

 I said my goodbyes

I left them there

I didn’t hang around wondering

If they even cared

But I woke up this morning

Just feeling so sad….

So many years wasted

A wandering nomad

Not recognising the red flags

Not knowing who was safe

Just so desperate to belong

To find my own place

I wish I could reach out

To my younger soul

Whisper what I’ve learnt

I used to feel so frustrated

When people would say

What on earth does that mean?

 I always wanted to scream

But as I’ve got older and wiser

I’ve slowly begun to discern 

 “Love” is synonymous

with “self-compassion” I’ve learnt

When you stand up for yourself

When you start forgiving your mistakes

When you don’t condescend….

To any of your emotions

When you accept all your parts

When even the frustrating ones

Have a room in your heart

When you make space for compassion

Self-love starts to grow

But I dragged myself up

And logged onto the screen

To do my online yoga

Which is so important to me

Even though I wasn’t able

To stop my tears

For an hour and a half

 I simply kept myself there

I was witness to all

The emotions flowing through me

The anger, the disappointment

The bitter jealousy

And straight afterwards I climbed

Right back into bed

Ignoring the chorus of voices

Drumming in my head

Dorsal Ventral is so exhausting

How can I explain

How frozen I get

Just so immobilised in shame

         But I gave myself permission

             To simply check out

 Allowing space for my fear

 And all my self-doubt

 I reminded myself once again

That this is never permanent

These soul-crushing days

Are not the determinants…

Of who I am

Or how I strive to live…

I’m still collecting my puzzle pieces

And I need to forgive….

Myself for everything

Sometimes all we can do

Is put down the ball

And then this evening Hallelujah

A shift around five

 I started to relax

 I felt a little more alive

I sat down to write

I finished 3 poems

I spoke to my best friend

I didn’t feel so alone

Just awash with gratitude

For this beautiful person on my path

For her companionship and love

That we can always have a laugh

At the crazy insanity

Of this thing called life

Through the ups and downs

She is always on my side