
Day 23: Be Brave Challenge – My food Obsession

I have to admit I felt like myself again today. (You gotta love sleep) …mmmm.. clearly letting Weezer out every now and then is good for my soul. I think it is pretty obvious that I think about stuff a ‘shitload’. My biggest problem is I often seem to be stuck in two mindsets which means I really struggle to make my mind up about random things. (For example, it took me 3 years of ‘umming’ and ‘aaahing’ before I could eventually decide what I wanted to do my honours in: learning support or psychology?). Maybe it’s a sign of perfectionism, never wanting to make the wrong decision?

…. Mmmm so much easier to make No decision 😬.

As a result of this dual headspace I often, spend months/ yeeeeears researching topics to help me gain some insight on what…ummm my view point really is.😂 (Dam it’s hard being a Gemini/Enneagram four sometimes. 😅)

Image result for SPLIT PERSONALITY

Of course, the obvious upside to this is that I have gathered a mother load of random information….Like: Did you know?😎 

Image result for Zuo Yue Zi

One of the common beliefs as to why Chinese women age so well is because they practice the Chinese tradition of Zuo Yue Zi, or “sitting the month.” This simply means that for a full month after their child has been born, Chinese women completely rest so as to allow their “broken body” to restore and heal. (Sounds awesome I know 😎.) But this ‘rest’ includes staying in bed, eating bland food and not showering for the entire month. (Not so awesome😨😬😱). The baby is mostly looked after by family members (their mothers or mothers-in-law) or hired nurses.😇

I have already quoted this in my last blog, but I think it is worth mentioning again. When I had just moved back to SA I ended up doing a weekend retreat with wonderful women called Natalia Baker. After I had, no doubt, spent the entire weekend peppering her with questions about religion and life she made a rather blunt statement to me on the last day, as I was actually saying good bye to her. ‘My darling Gayle, you are beautiful, gorgeous, vivacious…….. jelly baby…….you need to start making some decisions about your life and then just stick to them’.😮 I knew she was right, but unfortunately what we so often know in our head to be true, takes a little longer for the heart to catch on to.

One of the big questions in my life has been what the healthiest way to eat is. I guess this has been driven by the fact that I have periodic IBS and other digestion problems that have irritated the shit💩 out of me for the last decade. Three years ago I tried a fruitarian diet🍌🍍🍉🍓 because I had read a book about a women who swore it had saved her life (MMMmmmm doesn’t it always) and frankly who doesn’t love fruit?? Unfortunately all, I ended up with was sever acid reflux..and massive doctors and gastroscopy bills. It took me about 3 months to figure out that it was all those dam banana’s I was eating every day. 🍌🍌🍌🍌 (not one of the doctors had asked me if I had changed my diet)

Christie Brinkley age 64

The year after that I tried being a vegetarian…I mean how hard could it be? It was freak’n hard😣. I missed my bacon and pork sausages immensely and after a few months, I was so physically exhausted I had to concede that maybe it wasn’t for me. Last year I spend a fair amount of time ….mmm..’watching videos’ on Veganism. (Lol that’s as far as it got).

Age is Just a Number, Especially When You're One of These Age Defying Vegetarians!

Annette Larkins age 75!!! (Vegan for 32 years)

But seriously do you have any idea how many women there are out there that are in their 70’s and don’t look a day over 40! And 98% of them are vegans!!!!! Of course, I have my limits and becoming Vegan is definitely one of them. 😱I love my cheese🧀, cream and as already noted I love my porkies!! I have no desire whatsoever to limit my food types that drastically even if it does freeze my 42-year-old face until I’m 70.👵

Last year, my indigestion problems where at their worst, which resulted in me spending hundreds of hours researching different other diets. Interestingly enough you can find a bonified doctor on Ted talks for almost ever diet out there. Each one swearing to the thousands of ailments they have cured with their specific diet.

I was eventually so desperate that I made a booking to see a Nutritionist life coach, Tanya Wyatt so as to finally figure out what the hell it was my body was trying to tell me. (Ps check out her website…this woman is 48 and has the most incredible body ever. She also has a very interesting blog. 😁 About a week before my appointment I stumbled upon a guy called Dr Eric Burg on Youtube. Finally, someone that made sense to me. 🤗 What I absolutely love about this man is that he completely gets that one size doesn’t fit all and he doesn’t seem to cling to the viewpoint that one particular diet is better for you than another. (While he may not be a huge vegetarian/vegan promoter he still has loads of videos online that provide tips and advice people who prefer those diets. After doing his body type test online I was happy to discover that my adrenal body type was definitely not suited to be a vegetarian, a fruitarian or a Vegan. (Thank the pope😎) Before I get hate comments from any of the above …rest assured I have the greatest amount of respect for people that are able to follow these diets successfully. (It just ain’t me😂) Imagine my delight to discover after my appointment with Tanya that the diet she recommended for me was pretty much word for word that same as Dr Burgs. (Hallelujah) So I have been following my diet for almost a year or so now and I truly do feel amazing. The best thing is I absolutely love the food that I am eating and it definitely feels more like a lifestyle choice rather than a diet. So this post is just to honour Dr Eric Burg… food Guru…who just happens to be gorgeous to look at as well. Am very grateful to finally have at least one big life question sorted for once! And the correct answer is: whatever works for you! 😆😂😂

Nite nite 

Ps I have to add that I have made a Dr Erik Berg convert of Constance who loves peanut butter cookies 😂