Anger, Poetry, Shame

A bull in a china shop

Approximate reading time: 2 min


It’s been a bit of

an emotional day

I approached the headteacher

A little disgruntled to say

“I’m really upset

 lunch was 15 minutes late”

(If I’m honest, I was exhausted

finding it hard to regulate)

Nursery and reception

have no morning break

For lunchtime, we are allocated

30 minutes to take

We have to do dinner duty

 which is really not fair

It’s not a job that we’re paid for

(Let’s just be clear)

But they got rid of the dinner ladies

 during lockdown

And that’s how it has stayed

 from then until now

(I mean come on why pay others  

when you can simply

Demand all your teachers

do the job for free?)

By the time I have finished

prepping for the afternoon

if I get 15 minutes for lunch

 I’m normally over the moon

But today it seems

 I was to have no lunch at all

 I was mildly dysregulated

as I walked through the office door

My initial first attempts

 to voice my concerns

As I approached other staff

All that was affirmed

Was the general consensus

which was one of resign

(Clearly, this is something

That happens all the time)

But I’m sorry it’s wrong

and so fundamentally flawed

I was conscious of the anger

 gripping my jaw

If they can do without a break

Then that’s absolutely fine

but for me it’s crossing

A healthy boundary line

“I’m sorry”

I said

“I can’t go without lunch”

(I probably looked a little irritated

ready to punch)

The problem was sorted out

lunchtime extended by fifteen

But I still felt so pathetic

for being such a drama queen

I then listen to neurotic Angel

to her ferocious critique

“You are such an embarrassment”

She bitterly shrieked

I sent a message to the headteacher

I apologised for being short

I expressed my gratitude  

 And appreciation for her support

But as I write this now

I’m so conscious and aware

Of the shame and embarrassment

that lingers in despair

Sometimes I feel like

A bull in a China shop

Trying to clean crystal

without making a single drop

Always petrified people

will see straight through me

and decide I’m not worth

all the hassle they see