All about Dogs, Gratitude, Just a random day

A day of poop

Approximate reading time: 3min

Today has been a fun day!!!

I came down this morning to find that the pork ribs I had ordered with my Chinese last night had magically disappeared. I thought I had put them in the fridge.

Mmmm apparently not…..

and what is that I see in the dog’s basket but an empty pork ribs container!!

Poppy, my latest addition to the doggie family, apparently knows how to scale kitchen countertops.

I googled: “My dog ate pork ribs!”

It wasnt good people!

gastric upset/ vomiting

perforated bowels

punctured intestinal tracts!!


I have consequently been poop-watching for most of the day.

Is there blood in it?

Is it black?

Does she have diarrhoea?

Is she constipated?

She seems a little constipated….although she has pooped twice… that’s good right?

Perhaps me standing over her going:

“Come on baby pooooop please!!! Make it look easy!”

has been a little too much pressure for her?

If she doesnt poop properly tomorrow morning I’ll need to take her to the vet.


Other than that Poppy is gorgeous.

Gently, loving and very licky!

Her sister Ginger was with me when Poppy devoured the ribs….

how do I know…?

Because Ginger is ALWAYS with me….she follows me everywhere and then sits growling and barking at me until I give her some TLC.

(She particularly doesnt take too kindly to me using the oven for some reason?)

This afternoon I had a babysitting job at Maya’s house. Maya is a dog that I have written about before – I have recently started helping her owners out with their kids. It usually involves me taking Maya for a walk to the park, accompanied by 4-year-old Ansh.

Ansh and I have awesome chats.

I love my chats with Ansh.

Today I got to hear about all his teachers, how he gets angry with his 11-month-old sister who bites him and why dinosaurs aren’t alive any more.

“Astwoids kill them you know”

He is truly the most adorable child.

So we got to the park…had our little walk around and then it was time to head back.

Unfortunately, Maya wasnt nearly finished with her sniffing yet.

(Normally she would have had a much longer walk if it was just me.)

So she refused to move.

In my attempts to pull her, and get her moving I was absolutely horrified when her collar came off.

Maya is a dog that has quite severe anxiety issues and can be very aggressive with other dogs. I have been given very strict instructions NEVER to take her off lead.

Now not only was she off lead, but she was off lead in a HUGE park with open gates onto the road.

As petrified as I felt at that moment, I have to say watching Maya bounding into the middle of the daffodil-filled park, was a pretty touching sight. She had so much bounce in her she looked like a puppy. If I could have taken a photo of her at that precise second her dialogue would have been:

“Im freeeeeeeeee at last!”

As I tried taking a step towards her she thought we were playing and bounced further away. I looked back at Ansh standing stoically by himself at the edge of the park and then back at Maya that was hightailing in the opposite direction. I reached for my phone, only to realise I had left it at Ansh’s house.


I had sudden flashbacks of the 2 hours I spent last year trying to catch an ‘off-leash dog’ that clearly WAS not an off-leash dog ……it was traumatizing I tell you.

But I did learn something!

You won’t ever catch a dog by trying to chase it.

So I walked back to Ansh and said:

“Come we are going home.”

No sooner than we started walking did Maya start running after us…..until she suddenly saw the children’s park (that dogs are not allowed in) and ran in there while someone was coming out. I quickly closed that gate, at least grateful she wouldn’t be attacking any dogs in there.

A man was coming out of the park and I asked him if he wouldn’t mind helping me to catch her.

From my experience last time – I would never have caught the other dog without the help of other people.

(Strangers can be so kind sometimes.)

This stranger, however, didn’t seem too impressed with me.

I thought we could try and corner her a bit but he walked straight up to Maya and grabbed her. Maya was frozen to spot, probably sensing that this man meant business and wasnt much a fan of dogs.

I thanked the man profusely, as he walked away without even acknowledging me.

All in all, Maya was free for about 1.5 minutes!!!

I am sure they were absolutely thrilling for her.

So today I have lots to be grateful for….

  1. 3 gorgeous dogs
  2. 2 gorgeous children
  3. A little bit of poop
  4. And an unfriendly stranger who saved the day!

Please pray for more poop tomorrow!

Night Night

PS. I am on holiday for 2 weeks.

PPS. This post is a blatant stalling tactic!

The bandaid comes off tomorrow


My procrastination skills are epic!