Anger, Poetry

Finding my words…

Approximate reading time: 14 min

Thank you for all the prayers….

Poppy is pooping again!

(It’s not quite the right colour mind you, but one must be grateful for small miracles. 😉

As I said in my post on Saturday

this poem took me almost two months to write.

Two months of continual fighting with the internal voices in my head.

As much as I would prefer not to post this one,

it was a huge turning point in my life in letting go a lot of the anger I had felt but never quite expressed as clearly as this,

so it stays

The bandaid is off….

21st March – 3rd May 2021

I don’t have many memories

from a very young age

To be honest, most of them

feel connected to rage

Growing up in a house

walking on eggshells

anxiously waiting

for the next incoming yells

In desperation

I burst into tears one night

was questioned by my youth leader

Was I alright?”

I remember sobbing

“Sometimes I wish I could die!”

The first time I verbalised

my child’s inner cry

I’ll never forget

she simply

pulled up her sleeve

to show her wrist scars

abruptly to me

Do you think you’re the only one,

whoever feels pain?”

Her contempt & lack of empathy

left nothing but shame

But I learnt my lesson quick

never assert

verbalising pain

only compounds the hurt

So my teenage years

I randomly cut

Perhaps someone would notice

That I didn’t feel enough?

It wasn’t very deep

I didn’t really want to die

It just brought the inner pain

to the outside

Relationships were terrible

more anxiety than I could bear

It felt impossible

to trust,

open up and share

My first long-term relationship

didn’t go well

I felt like I was stuck

in my own private hell

It’s the only time in my life

all my journaling stopped

I felt completely alone

emotionally blocked

Make no mistake

he could be adoring & kind

It was the other side of him

that baffled my mind

I wasn’t beaten

I wasn’t abused

But his emotional control

left me angry and confused

Random story about controlling ex

Let’s give him a name

I’ll call him Dex

I had a small dog

(that I completely adored)

I honestly don’t think

I could’ve loved a dog more

Dex hated my dog

(no, let me rectify that)


with every single inch of his gut

When he came to visit

she’d shiver and shake

It was seriously enough

to make anyone’s heartbreak

He once went to the kitchen

she yelped for so long

She weed the entire passage

when she was done

When I asked what had happened

he was furious with me

“I never touched that fucking dog”

He hissed angrily

If he found a single dog hair

anywhere on my bed…

(I swear the bloody man

had eyes of infrared)

He would refuse to sit

he would stand in a silent rage

I’d have to spend time

his feelings to assuage

I mean really

How can anyone hate a poor dog?

I’m genuinely asking

completely agog

Wait there is more! 

My Matric farewell dance

(That should’ve frankly been

the end of the romance)

I couldn’t take him

he was already out of school

I chose to go with a friend

his jealousy fuelled

I invited him around

to see me before I left

I was so very excited

to show him my dress

When I opened the front door

it was clear he was pissed

All he simply said was:

“I can’t do this!”

So, he dumped my arse

on the night of the fucking dance

The rest of that evening

was a tearful hazy trance

I spent most of the night

a sobbing banshee in the loo


to this day

I just cannot construe….

How he could be such a dick!

On a night like that?

Not a word of remorse

after his little coup d’état


He turned up at 11

to take me home…

(God, I’m so fucking angry,

as I write this poem)

Didn’t you just dump me

5 hours ago?

Why are you here?

I’d love to know

I remember standing

with my partner

in the photograph queue

When I looked across the hall

and suddenly saw you!

Standing in the doorway

arms folded like a thug

I simply picked up my things

and left with a shrug

I had no good memories or photos

from that night

All I remember was that horrible fight

It infuriates me no end

that I could so easily submit

Put up with bad behaviour

when someone behaves like a shit

But you see, that’s my hook

it’s always the hook for me

Because I always focus

on the good

the good I do see

I make excuses

I rationalise in my head

this might be the reason

those things were said

Dex’s Dad was an alcoholic

who sat and drank all-day

During our 2 years of dating

he never once looked my way

He’d grunt when I greeted

(he never ever used my name)

My heart broke for my boyfriend


his pain

So, I focused on his good parts

there were quite a few

I simply had no awareness

that my worldview was so askew

He was the same as my mum

A Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Behaviours learnt at home

is what we abide

My mum wasn’t all bad

she could be so loving and kind

She’d help me for hours

if I was ever in a real bind

I mean she made every dance dress

that I ever wore

She was a good person essentially

at her core

But then there were times

When she was overwhelmed with stress

Her flip side was aggressive

and quite frankly a mess

I dreaded her coming home

walking through that front door

The one thing I could count on

Was yelling for sure

As I got into therapy

I started to understand

how this toxic dynamic

is much like quicksand

One minute you are fine

everything is okay

Then suddenly your small world

is in complete disarray

The yelling, the shouting

You are always doing something wrong

A never-ending game

of emotional ping-pong

The biggest problem is

if you are a tiny child…

there is nowhere you can run

when you feel riled

Children are self-centred

 (As they really should be)

In their tiny child world

it’s all about me

Your parents are your everything

your whole entire world

You couldn’t possibly think bad of them…

So, your own reasons unfurl

You make up excuses

you quietly justify

you formulate your own

personal reasons why

Why your parents are never happy

why anger is all you see…

Of course, as a child

the logical reason

… it’s me!!!

Maybe I’m too ‘this’?

Maybe I’m too ‘that’?

We become our own

little judging bureaucrats

All you ever want

is to be valued, really seen

As a young child you’ll try anything

(Even at the expense

of your own needs)

So we create that damming belief

I’m just not enough!

Which keeps us chained

in emotional handcuffs

And along with this belief

we cultivate guilt and shame

I always felt like

I was the one to blame

My grandmother

(Bless her)

whom I absolutely adored

would reach out to me

and sadly implore:

Please don’t fight with your mum,

have patience with her”

I promised I would

Of course

I COULD be the cure!

But that wasn’t my job

I see clearly now

Self-regulation wasn’t modelled

I didn’t know how

And why should I be the one

to take responsibility?

When frankly my mum

should have been teaching me….

Random neuroscience

(that I did not know)

That so aptly explains

how the teenage mind grows

Say you did a psychological test

(just for fun!)

One thing you MUST do

(when you are done)

Always check the age

(before it is scored)

because a teenager marked as an adult

could be psychotic for sure

They are not, of course,

that’s just the teenage mind….



often emotionally blind

So as angry as I was

filled with so much rage

Maybe I was a pretty normal teenager

for my age?

I mean,

I knew my mum loved me

there was never any doubt

She just didn’t seem

to enjoy having me about

She even wrote in her diary

that I read when she passed…

“I’m so happy at work

but coming home it never lasts…”

One of the things

I’ve slowly been learning with Gabor

The absolute necessity

of attunement & rapport

What children need most

to develop self-esteem

adults mirroring back their emotions

to help them feel seen

Acknowledging a child’s experiences

validating their pain

celebrating their successes

helps them feel contained

(But the saddest thing

if you can’t do that for yourself

How can you possibly

do it for anyone else?)

Time and time again

I have heard Gabor ask

When you felt hurt, scared or humiliated

who’d you go to in the past?”

Over and over again

so many people proclaim

an answer that is almost


the same

“I didn’t speak to anyone

I kept it all in.”

Without basic attunement

how can you even begin…

to open up and trust

to know you’ll be heard?

That your problems matter

your feelings won’t be deferred

A perfect example,

of this at first glance

Was how I never told my parents

about that horrible dance

With my mum all my problems

somehow came back to her

her struggles

her issues were all transferred…

on to her kids

because she couldn’t cope

She poured out her frustration

her fractured hope

I used to wonder why

my parents didn’t divorce

I have no memories of them kissing

or cuddling at all

Our Sunday ritual

almost without fail

anger and frustration

would so often prevail

Until we got to church

when mum stepped out of the car

watching her morph

was a little bizarre

Into this loving, affectionate

oh-so-doting mum

The rage inside me

often left me just numb

Who is this woman that other people see?

Because this is not what she’s like

at home with me

During these times

I was cold and mean

I loathed everything

about those scenes

And then often when the church service

came to the end

Going to the prayer chapel

was her usual trend

I’d see my mum crying

as people prayed for her

My internal thoughts:

You’re such a horrible girl!

Always so conscious

I felt to blame

Which years later has

manifested into my shame

For years I carried feelings

of sexual abuse

but no genuine memories

it just all felt so obtuse

Uncomfortable feelings

with random men, I couldn’t explain

But nothing tangible

that I could ascertain

So I did hypnotherapy

in hopes, I’d unearth…

long hidden memories,

perhaps I’d find my worth?

But alas nothing came

Nothing at all

I was still taunted

by those feelings of never being sure…

For years I felt like

the biggest fucking fake

yet it seemed impossible

these feelings to shake

So many people with genuine

trauma in the world

So why was I still stuck

with this broken inner girl?

When I opened up finally

confessed this in therapy

My therapist explained it

gently to me

When you don’t grow up with healthy boundaries,

When you are not held in a safe space

You can be left with these feelings

of being emotionally displaced

This impinging of emotional boundaries

from such a young age

is all that is needed to set the stage:

You can be left feeling violated

although never physically touched

(Honestly, for years

I thought his hypothesis

was a BIT much.)

I was stuck in my fears

there truly HAD to be more

(Of this I was at least

49 % sure?)

Surely something bigger

was needed to explain

These pervasive feelings

of overwhelming shame

To explain all my struggles

with simply being me

To validate my reasons

for all my anxiety

Last year in desperation

late one night

exhausted and frustrated

with my internal plight….

Hopeless and lost

could things get any worse?

I sent a desperate plea

out into the universe,

“Will I ever be enough?”

Was my random google search

Perhaps someone had the answer

somewhere on this fucking earth?

Low and behold

the universe heard my plea

And sent information

about a book to me

‘Will I ever be good enough?

written by Karyl Mc Bride.

3 am I started reading

I just cried and cried…..

Example after example

of women just like me

who struggle so much

their own value to see

It was the first ‘cog’

in my acceptance wheel

That started to allow me

to validate what I feel

It helped me to stop

minimizing my own pain

to stand up and own

my own feelings of shame

Continually judging myself

looking for a ‘real’ excuse

Really and truly

wasn’t doing me much use

But my parents are both dead

their part is done

What is still stopping me

from moving on?

It was soon after this

that I started to explore

the many parts of me

that are sometimes so raw

I realized that if I truly

wanted to feel seen

then I’d have to learn

to love the-all of me

So, I started to write

I started to paint

in hopes that I could better acquaint

Myself with me…..

every single part

the good

the bad

the ugly

all that’s in my heart

My second ‘cog

in my acceptance wheel

All that Compassionate Inquiry

would start to reveal

Studying with Gabor Mate

The blinkers came off

on how I downplay my feelings

deny their source

As I learn about emotional trauma

and how it occurs

How it could explain why my childhood

was such a foggy blur

And how it’s filled me with

for all the people I see

Hundreds and millions

just like me

Struggling so much

with their own pain

Desperately seeking

to lessen their own shame….

for myself

as I make peace with my past

Understanding childhood trauma

and how the effects can last

How repeated emotional trauma

from a young age…

can actually cause structural

changes to the brain

An awareness that’s why

I struggle so to self-regulate,

Sigh of relief

I’m not such a fake

for my defence mechanisms

which are so ingrained

Gratitude that becoming aware of them

lessons the shame

Recognition that


is what I must feed…

and that finding my words

is all I really need….