All about Dogs

Bailey’s song

I hope you are all well.

Sorry, tonight I am totally cheating:-)

But it’s been a long, hard day of actual work

(AKA teaching)

and I don’t have an ounce of energy to write anything of substance at the moment.

The only real news that I have is that Bailey for some reason,

(known only to God)

decided it would be a good idea to jump into an algae-covered canal this week.

I am not quite sure who was more shocked….


or her…

when she suddenly realised that

a) it was water

b) she couldn’t actually swim.


So I’m going to use this opportunity to post a video that my very creative nephew, Rhys, made for me.

The extremely short back story is:

A couple of weeks ago I was walking beautiful Bailey

(While listening to Florida Georgia Line)

and just feeling ever so slightly overwhelmed with love for this gorgeous little creature.

(How did I survive the last 25 years without having animals in my life….?)

I messaged my brother asking him what app I could use to try and make the compilation and the next thing I know my nephew is offering to make it for me.

It was the best birthday present ever and I think out of the 33 views, so far, 25 of them are mine.

So thank you, Rhys!!

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