Category: Anger

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Spiritual, The Pain Body

Day 38: Be Brave Challenge – Living with our ‘Pain Bodies’

So I have developed three cardinal rules that I try my best to stick with when I feel triggered and angry about something: 1. Don’t respond right away 2. Don’t respond via text or email (No matter how hard you try, you’re not going to be able to interpret a person’s tone nor will you be …


Day 37: Be Brave Challenge – The ‘Just Sick’ rant!

I had brief thought on Monday as I am rushing around cleaning house and doing (much dreaded) laundry that I was pretty sick the day before and I really should have been resting. 😒 But as is often the case I go through spells of feeling superhuman (yes like Superwoman💥) And I ignore my body completely. Thought …

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Gratitude, Spiritual

Day 34: Be Brave Challenge – Waterworks!

So yesterday I woke up early on Saturday to tidy the house before Zukie arrived to clean. My flatmate has been away this week which means I have kind of let things slip a bit. I have realized that I function better when I feel accountable for another person. (That’s my excuse!) So I’m feeling …

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Facing Fears, Friendship, Pole dancing, The Enneagram

Day 17: Be Brave Challenge – Enneagram Part 3

The final part that I wanted to share with you was the enneagram passions. ( To be honest I am not too sure how to explain the passions as I have not studied the Enneagram that closely. But I think the just, of it, is that each number essentially has their own passion that they …

Anger, Children Tales, Courage, Facing Fears, Procrastination, Psychology, Working with Children

Make a Choice

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them”  ― Denis Waitley Two years ago I attended a weekend spiritual retreat with an absolutely incredible woman called Natalia Baker. (Most definitely an experience.) Right at the end of the weekend after I had been …

Anger, Travel - India

Do this one in sections……

Khajuharo Ok, so I now find myself in the awkward position of having all the time in the world to write and a mood like thunder with no inclination whatsoever to say anything remotely positive. (My glass is not half empty, its completely drained and I smashed it too.) If someone would be kind enough …