Category: Dealing with Grief

Anger, Anxiety/Depression, Dating, Dealing with Grief, Internal Family Systems (Parts work), Poetry, Self-love, The Pain Body

The Parts of Me

(Written 14th March 2021) I was lying in bed Struggling to get up This overwhelming feeling My heart is shut Anxiety has gripped me Badly this week Poetry has been hiding Refusing to speak Most days I struggle To even meditate I’ve cried so much It’s hard to regulate So, I crawl back into bed …

Dealing with Grief, Friendship, Gratitude, The Pain Body

Day 40: Be Brave Challenge – It’s not over yet!

So today was supposed to be my final post. I have the entire post all planned out in my head, but then as usual ‘life’ happened and I now feel slightly compelled to write about that rather. So I hope you don’t mind, but it looks like I will have to extend my challenge just …

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Spiritual, The Pain Body

Day 38: Be Brave Challenge – Living with our ‘Pain Bodies’

So I have developed three cardinal rules that I try my best to stick with when I feel triggered and angry about something: 1. Don’t respond right away 2. Don’t respond via text or email (No matter how hard you try, you’re not going to be able to interpret a person’s tone nor will you be …

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Gratitude, Spiritual

Day 34: Be Brave Challenge – Waterworks!

So yesterday I woke up early on Saturday to tidy the house before Zukie arrived to clean. My flatmate has been away this week which means I have kind of let things slip a bit. I have realized that I function better when I feel accountable for another person. (That’s my excuse!) So I’m feeling …

Courage, Dealing with Grief, Facing Fears, Spiritual

Day 30: Be Brave Challenge – ‘Hot Loneliness’

I posted this video a while ago…but it really is one of my favourites. 🤗Glennon is so funny, so cute and so completely vulnerable (my new favourite word). I love how she describes the ‘hot loneliness’ of learning to sit with yourself rather than filling our lives up with distractions. 🍔🍕🍩🍫🍺🍹🏀🏋🏌📱💻📕📺💉🚬🎲🎸🚗 I was out visiting my Godmother …

Anger, Dealing with Grief, Facing Fears, Friendship, Pole dancing, The Enneagram

Day 17: Be Brave Challenge – Enneagram Part 3

The final part that I wanted to share with you was the enneagram passions. ( To be honest I am not too sure how to explain the passions as I have not studied the Enneagram that closely. But I think the just, of it, is that each number essentially has their own passion that they …

Dealing with Grief, Friendship, Gratitude, Uncategorized

Day 12: Be Brave Challenge – Mother’s Day

I have been lucky enough to travel quite a bit in my lifetime which means I have spent a fair bit of time sitting in airports watching people. The duality of energy in airports always fascinates me. On the one hand, you have people eagerly awaiting the arrival of loved ones. Smiling happy, joyful, excited …

Book Reviews, Creativity, Dealing with Grief, Gratitude, Procrastination

Day 5: Be Brave Challenge – ‘The Artist Way’

My attempt at a book review At the beginning of the year, it was recommended to me that I start reading the “Artists Way” by Julia Cameron. The book is marketed as a course in discovering and recovering your creative self. As already mentioned, I wasn’t in the best of places emotionally. I was, quite …