Approximate reading time: 5 min Written 4th April 2022 It’s been a great week Doing nothing so far I made a pact with myself That nothing would be barred I can sleep when I like I can stay in bed If I don’t want to meditate I’ll do nothing instead If I want to …
Category: Uncategorized
London Travel Bliss
Approximate reading time: 9 min I have a whole post written that I was soexcited to put up today. But as life would have it, it hasn’t been a greatweek, anxiety-wise, and frankly I would feel like the biggest hypocrite EVERposting it now….. So, I have made an executive decision to savethat for a sunnier …
Behind The Smoke Screen
Approximate reading time: 11 minutes 2021 wasn’t the easiest of therapy years for me. During that year I wrote a couple of poems about my anger/frustrations with my therapist. I consistently left them out when posting my poems these last couple of months. My plan was to post them all together with the finale poem …
And this is legal?
Approximate reading time: 6 min I am going to be honest. (mmmm…when am I not) I don’t really know what I should be writing about at the moment. I hate these periods. I’m secretly cursing myself for committing to writing one post a week. I miss the days/weeks/months when I could just fall off the …
Bitchy Nark Fink
Approximate reading time: 12 minutes Written the 3rd November 2021 I’m so proud I’m so happy I do declare I’m a Bitch Narky Fink And I don’t even care I’m no longer keeping quiet Just shutting my mouth When toxic people behave badly I’m gonna shout it out!! I had a horrible morning In a …
Dear Jude
Approximate Reading time:5 min Written 3rd April 2021 Sometimes I wish I could live in a cocoon Hide away from people where I feel safe and immune People often trigger me so immensely (Especially those who are mean and unfriendly) My school is so lovely the staff are amicable and nice… But as always one …
Cheat night
So I have been trying my best to post at least one blog post, every 7 days. I kind of made a pact with myself that no matter what I would keep posting regularly for 2 years or until all my poems were up. (whichever comes first) The reason being: I have developed the habit …
Happiness is …..
Written 2nd August 2021 I just got the most wonderful, amazing news, (that of course, I am going to share with you.) But a little back story to explain, the connection of how a deep friendship became. It always amazes me when I lose someone how the universe fills the hole with a little bit …
“I didn’t want to be rude!”
Hello all, So I found a couple of old posts that I wrote in 2020, (and then never posted!) I kinda figured I need to post them first before I continue with my poems….(for continuity’s sake!;-) This particular experience was such a huge life lesson for me… I got to watch firsthand how I continually …
Roxy is OUT!!!
So I think it is about time I introduced you to Roxy. For those, of you that know me well I currently have two phones….my plan is to amalgamate them both at some point but for now they both exist. When I was in Cape Town visiting my family in December my brother, Bruce, asked …