
Dare to Dream

Written 12th of August 2023

For the first time in my life

 I feel in control

Dare I dream this feeling

Might be that elusive “whole”

Grounded, secure

Happy in my skin

 Free from being tainted

 Holding my hand

Guiding me loving me

Reminding me I can

I’ll admit at times

 I still struggle with my hair

 Genuine love for the grey

Is definitely not always there

Today I found myself staring

In the hair section at Boots

All those lovely coloured dyes

As this voice egged me on

Taunting me quietly

But my internal mother was present

 She also had something to say

As I listened I heard her

ever so kindly survey

 Ever determined the other voice

most certainly wasn’t done

So, I imagine for one second

How cool it might be

 If I could one day 110%

love and accept me

What I’m NOT saying is

Or that I might never try them

On some other day

. But for now

while I’m practising

to simply love myself

It’s important for me

to stay mindful of…

How I have used things like this

 so much throughout the years

 to polyfill my self-esteem

To secretly mask all my fears

That I’m not enough just the way

I am naturally

That there is always something better

And more beautiful to be

But for the first time in my life

I’m starting to feel enough

It’s the most freeing feeling

After always feeling so rebuffed

 Rejected, disconnected

 From my genuine self

Searching outside

for what can only be found in yourself

For years I anguished

I knocked myself down

Honestly the change

 Has been truly profound

Especially when it comes

 to all that I write…

Now it’s the complete opposite

 I am my ‘biggest’ fan

I feel like finally

I’m able to understand

How important it is

 to express what you feel

The good, the bad, the ugly

And all it reveals

My writing has meaning

It’s a memoir of my life

A quote from Florence Foster Jenkins

boldly comes to light

Undoubtedly the worst opera singer

 That ever was alive

Her voice was atrocious

People came to watch and deride


The movie of the same name

With Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant

Is absolutely hilarious

How could this woman

 Be so incredibly bad?

But as laughable as she was

She truly loved what she did

It brought her so much joy

And I kind of think

 If we forget

 How awfully she sang

That could be the greatest lesson

 That Florence ever brang

So, it feels like these days

 That thing I love is rhyme

I am barely able to get

 It all down in time

And the best part is my belief

That I can do this

 Being a writer isn’t something

 I need to resist

I can start to see myself building

The lifestyle of which I’ve dreamed

A little teaching

A little coaching

Six weeks of travelling

In the summer holidays

Dissecting my experiences

Along the way

A life that’s flexible

A job that’s in my bag

Writing about life

Beautiful experiences

Still to be had