It’s been a weird two weeks doing this challenge. On the one hand, it’s been absolutely exhilarating actually just writing every day. I feel really proud of myself….still can’t believe I have actually kept it up for a WHOLE 11 days. 😁
On the other hand, it has completely knocked my sleeping pattern out of whack. I have always been a perfectly good sleeper…I go to bed early, sleep straight through the night and wake up early. This last week has been especially tiring. I feel like I am thinking about writing 24\7… many ways it is a great feeling! But it does also feel like I have about 42 years of untold stories flying around my head all looking for the exit at the same time.😂 Even when I am asleep its never a deep sleep, peppered with weird dreams of all shapes and sizes. It has been a little emotionally exhausting – especially when I am waking up at 1 am every night….and lying there for 2 or more hours. Last week I used that time to write, but this week I have been so exhausted I have decided it’s better not to feed the creative dragon that early🐲. I get that a huge part of this is just nervous energy and I am hoping that the more I write….the more it will dissipate. (
I think it is every writer’s fear….that someone reads their work and then criticizes them or completely misunderstands them. Unfortunately, as a writer, you also have to accept that this is always going to happen…people are different with different viewpoints and experiences- not everyone is going to enjoy the rantings and self-deprecating humour of an emotionally neurotic, mildly self-absorbed, wear-her-heart-on-her-sleeve kind of girl🤗😂. (Bridgette Jones is my hero) But there are some that love it! (And for that I’m grateful🙏)
I read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic, on creativity, last year. In it
The plus side of all this nervous energy is that it has caused me to become so much more disciplined. I haven’t watched a single Netflix movie in two weeks…and funnily enough, I don’t even miss it. I smiled when I saw this video cause I seem to be spending less time faffing in the mornings about what I wear….and those people that know me know how much I can faf😂 😎
So hats off to all the moms and dads out there that live on almost non-existent sleep … I don’t know how you do it frankly. 🤔
Sending big love💖
Have a beautiful day😇🔋🔋🔋🔋🔋