Gratitude, Pole dancing

I wanna be a GOTH!!!!!

Image result for gothic girl names

I seriously had so much fun this weekend 🤗

As we know I have been industriously preparing for my “steampunk” pole photo shoot today. It’s true I have been overly excited, as the kid in me still loves to dress up, especially when it comes to any theme remotely ‘Goth’ like.

See the sad, true story is, deep down, I always wanted to be a goth….all that black makeup, sexy corset’s and the attitude to boot that just says “fuck it to the whole world” – maybe its cause deep down my inner child related to the angst and sullenness they portray so well.🙄 Unfortunately, I learnt pretty soon on that my outer child is frankly just not quite miserable enough….I could never quite pull it off. 🙈

Random story: I will never forget one night in Camden, in London about 15 years ago… I was out at a Goth-like club (I had ..ummmm “attempted” to look the part…but I am sure them “real goths” smell us impostor types a mile off.🐒) Anyway, was never the less delighted to be there (mixing with my ‘true’ people😈). I sat down next to a head-to-toe, leather-clad, black-eye-linered, genuine-goth and eagerly introduced my self to him with my trademark toothy smile😀. He turned to me in what seemed like slow motion with the look that could only really be translated into one word: “Die” 😬 and turned his back on me. I got his point loud and clear. I am no goth…. cause I am too damn perky. 
Sue me.
I like smiling and being nice to people.
It was at that point in time, however, that I was able to accept that maybe the world was better off one goth short (but eish I still think they are so super cool😎) So now I attempt to live out my goth wannabee fantasies whenever there is any fancy dress party.

Некоторые готы предпочитают наносить на лицо белый порошок, но так же есть те которые любят лёгкие белые или бледные тона в качестве основы.

So excited as I have been about creating my outfit…my inner child has been a little panicked. Steampunk chicks are hardcore, kick-arse and cool. Tharene my pole teacher was very clear about this on Friday: “No smiling, I want attitude, I want tough…I want sexy!”.
Whaaaat???? I don’t do sexy….I do big cheesy grins always from the right angle with just the right head tilt. Somehow whenever I try to post my ‘sexy’, none smiling photos on facebook people always comment and tell me I look better when I smile. 😲

When I tried to share my deep concern with Tharene, ummm she told me to get over myself 😱. How rude! (For the record…Tharine is the only person ever allowed to speak to me in that manner…I most certainly don’t need a whole host of my friends trying to toughen me up all at once. I have given Tharine alone that “baton” as she is my kick-arse pole guru! 😅)

So today I attempted to get over myself (which I might add was a lot less scary than trying to get over that stupid wall last week) I did a whole day of ‘non-smiling’ photos and am suitably proud of myself. Not only did I enjoy it….I actually loved it…..Of course it helped that I had an amazing make-up artist Theano. ( This sweet woman not only did my make-up but also helped me crush my ribs with my corset and then helped me with my hair.😍😘🤗. I have included before and after photos so u can see she really is incredible. I personally think, in an ideal world, every teenage girl should get a make-over and photo-shoot for her 13 birthday. It’s the perfect tonic to help her realize what a little concealer and good lighting can do. Nothing pulls the scales off your eyes more as to why movie stars and pop stars always look so flawless. T.H.E.Y. have L.O.T.s of H.E.L.P!!!

Anyway, I have to say some of the girl’s outfits today were absolutely stunning….one chick who could only be described as a tall, skinny supermodel in dead sexy glasses made her entire outfit herself. Huge kudos to her …she looked incredible. 🤗 It was so cool to see all the girls unique creative sides coming out.👌👊

So I just wanted to say thanks to my Pole Guru….for all your organising, your continual encouragement and for making all the props in your own time. You really and truly do an amazing job of reminding us to take a chill pill and ‘love ourselves. ‘😍.

Thanks for reading, and have a beautiful Monday tomorrow (did I mention I’m on holiday this week?😈)

Please note: I am ‘hardcore steampunk chick’. 😠. (Who over uses smileys in an insane way) Thus it is reguested that you please refrain from any “you look better smiling” comments😲😬😵. I will defriend you if I have to. I am hardcore …I will do it!!!! 👉You have been warned.🤐🌬

Pps….Real photos of shoot are to follow.