Dyslexia, Gratitude, Just a random day, Poetry

Just a great day!

Approximate reading time: 4 min

Written the 19th May 2021

Today I had

the absolute BEST of days

one where

my inner child Karis

comes out to play

Connected, relaxed

 in tune with everyone

Conscious of my kiddies

all having fun

I had an epiphany

An illumination of sorts

(Just sit tight

I’m gonna tell you of course;-)

So, we teach a phonics program

that’s boring and mundane

We follow it religiously


No tweaking allowed

 to make it semi ‘cool’

You MUST follow the program

That’s the cardinal rule

When I broached this topic

When I shared my concerns

About how this fact

might influence

how our kids learn

 The head of literacy

conceded that yes

“We know it’s dull”

(That’s an understatement

 I get bored out of my skull)

But also, that no

“There’s not much the school can do

The department demands it

we just have to follow through”

I’ll admit when I heard this

 I got irritated as shit!

When I hear things like thit

 I just want to spit

A reminder, of course

why I often detest schools

silly restrictions

  ridiculous rules

A never-ending litany

of things you ‘MUST’ do

So little freedom

to simply teach as you

I mean surely it’s logical:

If I’m bored passing learning on

That might explain why our students

concentration is gone

Forgive me for thinking

one of the most important things

is for teachers to make sure

lessons are…..


It’s the whole institute of education

that I silently abhor

the structure the rigour

the lack of creativity for sure

On the odd occasion, I proclaim

 “No phonics today”

It saddens me that half

my class shouts


No wait there’s more

my ranting is not done

I work with the lowest group

the struggly ones

Meaning all the children with dyslexia

are with me

10 years of working with them

 has helped me to see

These children are so creative

they learn a different way

Finding what works for them

 is the best way to play

Because when you hook into their creativity

When you make things fun

 that is when more

of their learning is done

So this is the fight

I’m so often fighting in my head

The feelings of frustration

that fill me with dread

I wish I was a teacher who’d say

 “Fuck it to the school!”

Do my own thing

Be a maverick that’s cool

But alas I’m not

(I do as I’m told)

Although I am trying to stand up more

be a little more bold

So, I am grateful that I had

the courage to share my views

“I don’t want to be a cookie-cutter teacher”

 (this much is true)

Although it made no difference

(not one iota of a bit)

But at least I spoke up

and didn’t quietly just sit

And say nothing at all

and then bitch and complain

Like is so often done

every single day


Ok so my epiphany

I haven’t forgot

That was the back story

 to my subplot

Today something happened

that just clicked into place

a lesson that I have taken

 ages to embrace

As I sat on my chair

ready to teach (THAT lesson I abhor)

A voice in my head said

“Sit on the floor

Create a small circle

connect with them

Simply become a child again!”

So, I did just that

and I was amazed to see

all my children grinning

huge smiles at me

We had the coolest lesson

 it was actually fun

The best thing ever were

the comments when done

“I love phonics!”

“Can we do that next time?”

“You’re much easier to hug”

a little girl chimes

It’s so interesting for me

 to notice such a huge change

simply by shifting

 the level from which I engaged

Such a clear reminder

that all children really need

is intunement


and to really be seen

A humbling lesson

for me to absorb

Once I let go of all my anger

I could play a different chord

And learn the valuable lesson

A good teacher can make anything fun

and I’m proud of myself today

for getting that done