Book Reviews, Creativity, Dealing with Grief, Gratitude, Procrastination

Day 5: Be Brave Challenge – ‘The Artist Way’

My attempt at a book review At the beginning of the year, it was recommended to me that I start reading the “Artists Way” by Julia Cameron. The book is marketed as a course in discovering and recovering your creative self. As already mentioned, I wasn’t in the best of places emotionally. I was, quite …

Children Tales, Gratitude

Day 3: Be Brave Challenge – Choppie Day

Today was Choppie day!!😍 I have secretly been pining for a dog these last couple of months…but unfortunately, I live in a flat….and we aren’t even allowed freaken birds….so it’s not really going to happen at the moment. But I think the universe heard my silent pleas and sent me Choppie. His mum teaches at our school and …

Facing Fears, Pole dancing

Day 2: Be Brave Challenge Conquering the Pole! (No not the North Pole;-)

I started pole dancing when I was 39. I have to be honest…I still completely suck😂. My amazing teacher would disagree with me…but then that’s cause she is an amazing teacher😍. I, unfortunately, have a bad back and granny knees which means I’m continually trying to navigate moves without pissing one of them off. I …

Children Tales, Courage, Facing Fears, Procrastination

Day 1: Be Brave Challenge – And it Begins…..

 · Post 1  I absolutely love writing and storytelling. Last year, after my mum’s death I felt, understandably blocked. This year, thank goodness, things are starting to shift and I’m beginning to feel more like my old self again. I have to say I just adore Ralph Smart. He is quirky, a little crazy, positive, …

Anger, Children Tales, Courage, Facing Fears, Procrastination, Psychology, Working with Children

Make a Choice

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them”  ― Denis Waitley Two years ago I attended a weekend spiritual retreat with an absolutely incredible woman called Natalia Baker. (Most definitely an experience.) Right at the end of the weekend after I had been …