Anger, Poetry

Rage in my jaw

Written the 19th June 2021

I woke up this morning

I lay awake

Willing myself

a fresh start to make

Conscious now

a fundamental shift in me

Not so tormented

 by dreaded anxiety

Except for the last two weeks

(since my wrathful birthday poem)

Fury, anger and rage

will not leave me alone

It’s like I opened Pandora’s box

All these emotions cascading out

They mock me with scorn

They brazenly flout

So, lying in bed

 I try to connect with me

to pinpoint in my body

where this rage might be

My jaw is clenched

My entire face feels tight

But strangely enough

my chest is alright

I have been so fucking angry

 barely been able to write

not an ounce of creativity

anywhere in sight

(Well, that’s not true

I have been painting

every day

 Somehow zoning out quietly

 helps me feel OK

I don’t have to describe

 I don’t have to explain

I don’t have to justify

my anger once again)

Because the truth is I don’t

Understand this blackness in my soul

never trusting anyone

never feeling whole

Is it the hypocrisy of the world

All that we are

Or simply feeling like a victim

to my own authenticity scar

A world full of mannequins

pretending to be real

Never really knowing

how to genuinely feel

It runs throughout

my whole entire being

but the fakeness of others

 is not all that I am seeing

Because am I

not the one

so caught in her head

worrying what others think

 unable to share

 Swallowing down pain

 bitterness and rage

To fearful to bring it out

Into the light of the day

Because if I’m genuinely authentic

If I own my disgust and core shame

Then nobody will love me

People will simply walk away

But I’m slowly starting to get

how my own “inauthenticity”

 is strangling the absolute

life out of me

I can’t keep saying I’m fine

Yes I am perfectly OK

when I’m really and truly not

 at the end of the day

I’m hurt, I’m angry

I have so much fucking shame

 being inauthentic to myself

is driving me insane

So, I’m starting to speak up

I’m starting to  find my voice

To own my feelings

and realise I have a choice

To be myself

 shadow parts and all

if others are uncomfortable

 they are welcome to find the door