
The Bully

Written the 26 May 2021

You rant you rave about how

 you were bullied at school

Your anger and bitterness

is what you use for fuel

In your mind you’re convinced

that you’re defending your child

but do you ever look at his face

when you rant and go wild?

Do you notice his terror

or even his shame?

Today he actually lied

about who was to blame

He lied

I know because I saw it

 with my own eyes

And then watched as he sadly

spider web his lies

You threatened to remove him

from our school

in an attempt to assert your power

you were nothing but cruel

Your child looked mortified

as crushed as could be

But you saw nothing as you

raged and ranted at me

Do you want to know how many times

 that little boy has been sad

and told me how much

you fight with his dad?

Or how many times I’ve had to speak to him

for being unkind?

How many times I’ve had to intervene

 as other kids are maligned?

I have watched as you demand hugs

while saying goodbye

It’s obvious he doesn’t even

want to comply

So, you know about bullies

 I’m sure you do

Perhaps look in a mirror

and start with you