Diet, Poetry

My Crazy

(Written 6 February 2021)

It’s been a whole month

of me being a carnivore

(Yes, you heard me right

fruit and vegetables no more!)

It sounds a little kooky

(I must agree!)

Meat, eggs and butter is all that I see.

But hand on my heart

this is not about calories

but hopefully a simple cure

for my damn allergies

For nine months I’ve had blocked sinuses

and a cough

(So please hear me out

before you start to scoff)

I mean I could have gestated

a live baby during that time

but alas all I have to show

is a nasal passage full of slime

So, this was my year

to start sorting out this shit

(Even if it means

to some weird diet I commit!)

Now it’s been a month and a whole

three days

I’m incredibly delighted

to be able to say

Two days into the diet

my ears went pop

Soon after that

my nose wouldn’t stop

Running and dripping

like a 2-year-old child

(Seriously, you wouldn’t believe

how that made me smile!)

At last, I can now blow

my freaken nose

so grateful for the gunk

that finally flows

The running has now stopped

I can breathe through my schnoz!

My ‘kooky carni-diet’

gets a silent round of applause

Another side effect

that I enjoy so much.

I never feel hungry

I don’t eat breakfast or lunch.

One meal a day

is all I’m needing.

No more cravings or hankering

until the next feeding

I no longer feel like my entire world

revolves around meals

I wish I could explain

how liberating that feels

But saying all that

I must now embarrassingly confess.

the reason I’m writing

is to open up and address….

The fact that I decided

to have an ‘off day’….

(I’ve been so good for a month

I thought it would be ok)

I ate lunch with my flatmate

(Whom I call ‘honey’)

This is what I stuffed

in my poor little tummy

Three helpings of chicken wings

couscous and salad

I munched through the food

until I felt rather pallid!

Although not still full

I went for a stroll,

Stopped in at Starbucks

(The love of my soul)

Grande Chai latte

and luxury fruit toast.

(These are the things

that I love the most)

On the way home

“Oh LOOK! A bakery!”

It was like a manic food demon

had ambushed me

I was now craving a strawberry and cream pie.

(It was so fucking delicious

I’m not going to lie!)

Oh my God is that

gluten-free baklava?

What else can…. I say…except…


I bought one and devoured it

on the way home.

Then returned back to the shop…

(Hey when in Rome!)

As I scoffed my second piece

noooooo I still wasn’t done

An unbelievable sugar craving

was controlling my tum

I bought a slab of chocolate

Green and Blacks dark ginger, you see

(Because I know dark chocolate

is good for me!)

I gobbled it up

as I guzzled lemonade

Umm, it’s been a fun day

although I feel a bit dazed

It’s a little enlightening observing

the effect sugar has.

(You would swear I had been

locked away in Alcatraz!!)

Eish I don’t miss

that feeling of having no control

Like sugar is the Lord

that commands my soul

I woke up the next morning

with a cough and gunged-up nose

slight regret for all the sugary-wheaty
things that I chose

I only wanted to try

being a carnivore for one month

At least I could say

“Hey, I tried it just once!

But it’s been awesome waking up

not feeling like shit

Bundles of energy

look how much poetry has been writ!

I look in the mirror

a small smile on my face

Good Lord, what is that?

Is that a waist?

I am experimental by nature

I always like to see

if something different

might just work for me

It’s so easy to live in a castle of fear

Pass judgement on people’s choices

that simply seem weird.

It takes courage to step

out of the norm

Attempt something different

ride out the storm

Let go of the worry

about what others will say

Find your own crazy

Get started today!

Disclaimer: I feel the need to add

(because we sadly live in a nanny state)

                    I am NOT a doctor

so I cannot deem this diet SAFE!

                    I might just have been lucky

(Thank God I’m not dead!)

                   If you decide to try it


                   I personally promote nothing

nothing at all!!

                    I simply write about my experiences

it merely keeps me enthralled!