Anxiety/Depression, Gratitude

My 2024 Worry Inventory

In 2022 I started a worry book. 

 I did. 

Sometimes I find I get so bogged down worrying about things that inevitably

that I decided to start my own worry inventory.

I have only used about 3 A4 size pages in 2 years

It’s usually only used for those really big things that I sometimes can’t seem to see past….with probably 70% of this rumination revolving around money.

I then go and write in dates and comments when each listed worry is solved or made null and void. 

It’s amazing to look through my comments and to realise how so many of our life problems seem to work themselves out eventually. I probably only have three worries in there that have yet to reach a happy conclusion.

So the reason I am telling you all this….

is because it feels like my first week of 49 started with a multitude of worrisome bangs. 

The last two weeks were a little insane….

On Tuesday the 11th of June I received a £500 invoice to fix the water damage done in my flat in South Africa last year.

This was supposed to be covered by the insurance of my upstairs neighbour.

All I was told was that I needed to get a quote to get it fixed and send it to him.

My estate agent found a contractor to do the quote within a week and I have pretty much spent the last 10 months waiting for him to email me the quote.

It is completely laughable….I know!!!

Numerous complaint emails, watsap messages asking her to find someone else, her saying she had no one else, me feeling so frustrated that I eventually told her to forget it:

I then went back to her in utter frustration asking her to please just find someone to get this sorted.

And 10 months later…we finally have a quote.

On sending the quote in I was then informed that I was supposed to file my own insurance claim within 30 days of the damage being done. The fact that I hadn’t filed this claim unfortunately means that they will not be able to reimburse me for the damage.

On Tuesday I also got the gazillionth noise complaint about the tenants in my flat and I finally realised that no amount of warnings or fines was going to

EVER get them to STOP IT!!

I had to hand them their two months’ notice.

I then decided to check out the advert for my flat, on Property 24, which has ‘been on the market’ to sell for the last 10 months only to discover it had a ‘This flat is no longer available’ notice on it. 

On reaching out to my estate agent her response back was:

That was the last straw.

I realised that she too needed to go. 

Come September I will need to find £450 a month to cover my South African rental while I have all the repairs done to the flat.

By the 1st of September, we will need to move from our beautiful home in London.

It seemed to dawn on me last week

Due to the whole debacle with the receivership company and our bankrupt landlord, I have been trying to figure out whether or not we are going to be getting our deposit back….

I mean granted we haven’t paid rent in 4 months.

But that is due to a legal technicality that will hopefully be solved on the 3rd of September when we have our day in court. The judge can tell us who the rightful owners of our rent should be; we can pay them and restore our “Good, law-abiding human beings” status.

I am a good person!

I am a good person!

I am a good person!

But all that aside, how on earth does this affect our right to get our deposit back?

The law seems so murky in this area.

It’s sooo bloody confusing!

I am in charge of paying all the bills in my London flat. I took on this responsibility after having years of drama with numerous flatmates/letting agents who were responsible for paying certain bills and then NEVER did. So when both my lovely flatmates moved in they moved in with the bills included in their rent.

I have consistently paid the gas and electricity bills for 3 years in this property.

On returning home from my South African holiday in January I found a £510.45 overdue gas bill waiting for me.

I did what I do best, stuck my head in the sand and hoped the problem would disappear.

Magically it did.

My February bill arrived looking considerably healthier…..and I didn’t even need to adjust my payments!!!

March and April it appears I wasn’t sent any bills.

I thought maybe my energy provider had taken a little “mental health hiatus “.

So I did what I do best ….

I forgot about it!!

Last week on the 15th of June I got sent a reminder about my overdue balance which is now, apparently:

I mean WTF!!!!

I thought things were supposed to work better in the UK?

I mean this is the kind of shit you would expect to happen in South Africa

So, I give up!!!

Moving on!!!

Due to a comedy of errors I needed to cancel my therapy session 3 times in a row for the last couple of weeks.

3 TIMES!!!!!

And I subsequently had to deal with all this crap by myself!

So last week I found myself in this limbo, shell-shocked state wondering what magic pills I could swallow to stop the financial haemorrhaging that appeared to be happening from every angle!!

But it was a weird feeling really….

because although I felt

shell-shocked – I also felt happy

Although I felt Worried – I also felt hopeful

Although I felt ever so slightly panicked- I also felt ever so slightly peaceful

all rolled into one.

A whole assortment of varied emotions that quite frankly I was able to contain

all by myself.

On Wednesday I logged on to my first therapy session in 3 weeks and found myself smiling at my therapist and saying

At the end of my session, I was confidently able to say…

My therapist smiled warmly and said:

In conclusion

This week has been a productive week

And low and behold…what have I discovered during this whole process?

Apparently, our UK landlord cancelled our deposit protection without telling the receivership company.

As a result, the receivership company has failed to protect our deposit for us….

Under the Housing Act 2004, it is a legal requirement that a tenant deposit is protected AT ALL TIMES.

When a landlord or letting agency breaks these laws, you can claim your deposit back PLUS from 1 to 3 times the value of the deposit on top of that.

All I can say is,

There is a God!