All about Dogs, Anxiety/Depression, Friendship, Gratitude, Poetry

A whole spectrum of emotions

Apologies for being AWOL for a week.

It’s been a busy Christmas. 😉

One of my oldest friends Michelle, who I have been friends with for 41 years, was visiting her family in the UK and I got to spend 3 days with her, which was AMAZING.

It is worth noting that my inner child part ‘Lachelle’ who is responsible for ummmm… up after me …was semi-named after/ inspired by Michelle.

Ever since we were kids Michelle has been a super tidy neat freak.

Michelle loves cleaning.

Lachelle does not.

Living with other people means that I have managed to consistently train Lachelle to clean up her shit….but sadly whenever I am living by myself

Lachelle goes on strike!

I am hopeful that 2025 will be a turnaround year for her!!!

It needs to be said Lachelle was very grateful to sit back and let Michelle do what she loves MOST for a couple of days.

For the rest of the week, I spent time with my new friend Jay

and my friend Marisol came to stay with me over Christmas.

It is worth noting that Jersey is one of the most highly sensitive, mildly neurotic dogs ever…..and has on the odd occasion lunged at myself or my friends for no apparent reason, other than we were stroking her. After the initial ‘snap attack’ she seems to be inundated with guilt and crawls all over her victim while attempting to lick them to death.

In fairness to her, for the most part, she is the ABSOLUTE most adorable, loving dog ever.

Jersey also doesn’t do well being left alone for too long. As soon as I start getting dressed she assumes her ‘sulking’ position that involves either staring out of windows or simply staring at me with the most sorrowful eyes ever.

How a tiny little creature can induce so much guilt is beyond me.

After Christmas, my best friend Rachel came to stay.

Since 2019, this will have been my 4th Christmas alone. Partly due to COVID but also because I can’t afford to go home to South Africa every year. I will admit the build-up to my ‘away-from-family-Christmas‘s have always been pretty stressful….(as I have already written about before) It always feels like the ever-so-desperate underlying fear is:

How can I avoid being


I am proud to say I have got consistently better at it,

getting dog-sitting jobs over Christmas have helped a lot.

This Christmas, however, was just absolutely lovely.

This Christmas I didn’t need to ‘try’.

It just felt like everything came together naturally.

And to all of you who join me weekly on my journey

It means a lot.

Muddy water

This weekend was awful

I couldn’t stop the tears

Drowning in my thoughts

Suffocating in my fears

Is this it?

Is this it?

 Is this really how it’s going to be

Me and myself

For all of eternity

I did my online yoga

My inner child Lyla

Was clearly in full force

I allowed myself to feel

The pain and simply cry

Although I confess sometimes

I wish this part of me would die

This utter, sickening

Blackness in me

So much frustration at this part

That won’t set me free

Absolute exhaustion

At having to live in this world

It feels like this state

Has been on and off for weeks

I know it always passes

But I just feel so weak

I feel broken

I feel lost

I feel so utterly alone

As this part clings to the fantasy

Of finding a “real home”

With a husband who adores me

Kids I can love

But basically, all I want

Is to simply feel enough

Or is it disillusionment

With all the pain that I see

Around me in the world

So much disconnect and toxicity

This deep desire to help

But it’s so clouded over by

This fundamental question:

 I don’t understand why?

Why’s this world so broken

So, many people muddling through

Feeling hopeless and powerless

Like there is nothing I can do

So, I simply did nothing

I sat down to paint

I haven’t painted in 2 months

It felt lovely to reacquaint

Myself with my passion

How easily I forget

How painting pulls me magically

Right out of my head

And while I sat and painted

 I decided to

Watch some old online lectures

As the hours quietly flew

Of the now-passed, philosopher

A man named Allan Wats

Pulling me back into Ventral Vagal

Helping me to join the dots

I love the matter-of-fact way

That this man talks

His tone of voice is hilarious

He is nothing but short…

Of a genius

A maverick

Someone way before his time

His reasoning and thinking

So similar and inline

With the philosophy that speaks

So clearly to my soul

We are never broken

We are never BROKEN

We are always whole

And he explains so simply

What’s going on

Why we struggle so much

Why we feel so desperate to belong

And for the millionth time

In my up/down life

I reconnected to myself

I let go of the

I was back in the present

All the fear released

Tuned into the love & compassion

Always dormant in me

A Good day  

I woke up this morning

Feeling calm and relaxed

As I opened my eyes

I greeted my inner family

I had a good stretch

You seriously won’t believe

What the hell happened next! 

I didn’t lie there

Or reset my alarm

For a ten-minute snooze

I got out of bed

And low and behold

Lachelle started cleaning

Is she feeling alright?

That’s never been done

In her WHOLE ENTIRE life

Then I had a loooooong shower

 Not feeling rushed

Was absolutely sublime

I had a good hour

To meditate and quietly sit

Not having to do ‘anything’

Is quite simply bliss

I normally only have

Twenty minutes or so

 Always rushing to get dressed

And get on the go

I set off to a school

On the other side of London

I felt nothing but SURE

Whatever happens in this

Nursery class today

I’d be able to cope

I’d be calm

I’d be Ok

 I travelled to Tottenham

With a cheesy smile on my face

(WhenCarys’ is driving

All I feel is pure Grace)

I love teaching Nursery

They are so adorably sweet

Today’s class, however

Was no easy feat

Beautiful kids lapping up love

Passed their way

But as always there’s that ONE

Delightful delta ray

The tiniest little boy

With so much pent-up rage

An insecure attachment

Unable to calmly engage

Continually reacting

Kicking and hitting out

 At the smallest of provocation

He’d angrily scream and shout

So hurt at the slightest

Look from another child

The anger would explode

He’d spew out pure bile

Absolutely no ability

To see reason or have empathy

For another child’s experience

Only reacting with jealousy

Grabbing toys from others

Continually at loose ends

 And he’d argue with you

Until he was blue in the face

Explosive tantrums

Both the TA’s

Where at their wit’s end

 As how to handle his behaviour

And help him transcend

 I spent WAY too much time

During the day

Trying to help him regulate

Engaging him in play

In my head I was laughing

OMG this job’s insane

Why do I keep coming back

Again and again

As Neurotic Angel grilled me

Calm and regulated

I didn’t feel overwhelmed

 Anxious or frustrated

This was simply a tough day

That I needed to see through

My only focus was to be present

That was all I had to do

And at the end of the day

 I went to the headteacher to chat

About how the nursery was struggling

To even stay on track

How I was worried about the TA’s

They were clearly run down

How this child was giving them

The complete run-around

I wanted her to hear it

From an outside source

Because that nursery isn’t coping

That’s for dam sure

With at least 4 other children

All with special needs

While this manic little angel

Zaps all the energy

And more than that it creates

An environment of fear

So many anxious children

Who don’t even want him near

Which only fuels his anger

Triggers more disconnect

As I spoke to her, I was calm

She listened

She thanked me

She wholeheartedly agreed

And then we started chatting

Like two excited teens

About life

About our passions

About the attachment theory

The work of Gabor Mate

And her current degree

It was this beautiful connection

Without any constraint

And even though I might never EVER

See her again

It just filled my heart

With absolute delight

And for those 10 minutes

It felt like a beautiful green light

From the universe simply wanting

To gently remind me

You are in the right place

This is where you are meant to be

And as I now crawl into bed

My entire body is sore

My back is aching

But an epiphany!

An epiphany

Absolute clarity

As to why I love this job

It’s about me learning to get comfortable

With impermanence

Accepting that every day

Will be unique and different

I never know where I’m going

 I never know who I’ll meet

It’s about me letting go of this need

For elusive consistency 

 Relinquishing the illusion

That in order for me to feel safe

I need to be tied

To ONE singular place

It’s about knowing there will be days

When I’m completely in the flow

Days that I’ll hate

And that will trigger me so

But by facing new triggers

Every single day

I get to practice compassion

Reiterating the reminder

Every time I get triggered

I get to practice bouncing back

And supply teaching has given me

A complete bird’s eye view

Of so many of the similar snags

That schools struggle through

And it’s made me even MORE

Determined than before

To keep learning and speaking up

About things

I can’t ignore