Category: Courage

Anger, Assertiveness, Book Reviews, Courage

The one about the wedding dress…(Continued)

Hello all, I know, I know it feels like Christmas. 3 posts in one week! After 2 years of deathly silence, even I am in shock! Anyway, so my story continues with me now still owning two ‘bloodied’ wedding dresses that I cannot exchange AND apparently I still need to pass “Assertiveness Skills 101!” I …

Anger, Assertiveness, Book Reviews, Courage, Friendship

People-Pleasers Anonymous

Hello All, I realize I said I was going to post one post a month, but then again, when have I EVER been consistent with my words? Truth be told I currently have covid and I’m bored shitless. So I am using the time to productively scour through my graveyard of “Unpublished posts” ….. what …

Anxiety/Depression, Book Reviews, Courage, Facing Fears, Gratitude, Narcissism, Spiritual

The Stars Are Aligning

Approximate reading time: 60 minutes Hello all, I’m back!!👏 Apologies that it’s been six months since my last post! To be honest it has kind of felt like my creativity-well dried up. I would be lying if I said I have even thought about writing during that time. But now, I think I am ready …

Courage, Facing Fears, Gratitude, modelling

It’s just hair.

Approximate reading time is 12 min For the last 6 weeks (pretty much my entire Summer holiday😯) I have been applying for modelling and casting jobs. I haven’t really been discriminant… if I fit the age, height and size criteria then I applied. (uuhmmm…ok… if I didn’t fit the age criteria I still applied😏) During …

Courage, Dating

Creating the love of your life (Part 2)

(Approximately a 26-minute read) 3. Setting High Standards (..and then living them yourself.) Random Guy story #2. So the following night I was out at another mixer when I happened to meet two more amazing women AND another amazing man…(oooh imagine that?) I will be honest, I wasn’t initially attracted to Aakesh but when he …

Courage, Dating

Creating the love of your life (Part 1)

(Reading time is approximately 15 minutes) It was a high school assembly in 1992 and a teacher who was retiring decided to play us a song just before she left. The song was “The Greatest Love” by Witney Houston. All I remember hearing were these words: “I never found anyone who fulfils my needs. A …

Courage, Creativity, Facing Fears, Gratitude, The Enneagram

Day 42: Be Brave Challenge- ThE EnD!!

OK, so I actually made it to 40 (+2) days. I have to admit I am slightly proud of myself. 😁🤗😎 I can honestly say…these last 40 (+2) days have been the most nerve-wracking, the most sleepless and the most absolutely awesome 4O (+2) days of my life. 😍 So for my final post, I’m just going to …

Courage, Dealing with Grief, Facing Fears, Spiritual

Day 30: Be Brave Challenge – ‘Hot Loneliness’

I posted this video a while ago…but it really is one of my favourites. 🤗Glennon is so funny, so cute and so completely vulnerable (my new favourite word). I love how she describes the ‘hot loneliness’ of learning to sit with yourself rather than filling our lives up with distractions. 🍔🍕🍩🍫🍺🍹🏀🏋🏌📱💻📕📺💉🚬🎲🎸🚗 I was out visiting my Godmother …