Thanks for all the messages and calls. I’m feeling very loved. I decided to be brave and make my first video…sorry its so humongous ……I have noooo idea how to fix it!;-) xxxxx
Category: Uncategorized
Day 31: Be Brave Challenge – Falling off the Gratitude Wagon
This morning I woke up feeling like I’d just slept under a thundercloud.😤Tried to meditate but it didn’t work so picked up my ‘ morning pages book’ that has been relatively untouched for the last…mmmm..28 days. Decided maybe I should start writing again…😓 (Clearly I haven’t reached equanimity status just yet.🤔) Then I decided to message …
Day 29: Be Brave Challenge – Dumarse Shit Stories!
Truth be told some of us take a little longer to learn certain ‘life lessons’.😉 Random story: I made my favourite Vietnamese spring rolls for dinner last night🌯🌯. In an attempt to pack some for lunch today I put them in my long container, which has a little side container. (Perfect for my soy sauce, …
Day 13: Be Brave Challenge -Random Rant
So this morning I woke up at the ridiculous hour of 1 am again. Seriously what’s up with that? (I’m not a bloody insomniac.) Lay there for 20 minutes before I finally thought “stuff this” will just work on today’s post. Which I did quite happily till 3 am….when my brand new (week old) phone …
Day 12: Be Brave Challenge – Mother’s Day
I have been lucky enough to travel quite a bit in my lifetime which means I have spent a fair bit of time sitting in airports watching people. The duality of energy in airports always fascinates me. On the one hand, you have people eagerly awaiting the arrival of loved ones. Smiling happy, joyful, excited …
Day 9: Be Brave Challenge – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Years ago when I was studying to become a life coach one of good friends in London, Harvey, gave me a book called…”Don’t sweat the small stuff”. I will not be doing a book review on that book because quite honestly I was way too busy sweating the small stuff to even read it. (I …
Day 7: Be Brave Challenge – My Wonderful Friend Constance!
I have to admit I struggled to get out of bed this morning. I lay there mulling over my Kuk Monday (why do things always happen in threes?) and feeling a little daunted by the fact that it’s only day 7 of my challenge..what the hell am I going to write about for another 37 …
Day 6: Be Brave Challenge – How Cute is my Nephew?
Today feels like one of those days that just knocks all the positivity right out of you🙄…so don’t really have much to say tonight. Good thing I’m a little like an energade bunny.…I bounce back fairly quickly after a some sleep.😉 Although the definite plus of my day was seeing my brother and his gorgeous little …
Raj: My hero
Hello all! I don’t really have much to write as haven’t really ventured out in the last two days….just been relaxing at the hostel chatting to all sorts of people. Hostel life itself is just such an amazing part of travelling. Anjila Apartments,(not Anjila Inn!!!!:-) Is a constant flow of different nationalities. I find the …