
Cheat night #2

It’s not very original I know.

But I have to cheat again.

I have been working on my dissertation proposal the whole weekend….and all the boring academic writing has sucked the freaken life out of me!! I have no energy to write anything remotely interesting.

So, I am giving myself exactly 20 minutes to post this post and then I’m ordering Chinese food and zoning out for the rest of the night.

Random news of the week

I called one of my oldest friends, Michelle, last weekend just for a chat. We have been friends since we were 8 years old aaaaaand


we are both still single.

But frankly, I’m just glad I’m not alone!

Anyway, her fish Fred committed suicide.

He jumped out of her fish tank while she was away for the weekend.

Michelle found him in a puddled mess on her couch.

A dried up




The trauma I tell you.

We spoke for about two hours and I think I managed to cheer her up.

Have I mentioned how much I love her?

Random info:

In 2016 I phoned Michelle to tell her about my mum’s brain tumour and that she was going into surgery to have it removed.

A little less than an hour after our call ended, Michelle messaged that she had bought a plane ticket to Port Elizabeth so that she could come and see my mum and I.

While I was swimming in the endorphins that always come after an awesome chat with a good friend….it got me thinking about one of my lectures last year on attachment. My lecturer explained how when people get married they typically transfer their attachment needs from their parents onto their new spouses. I will admit I wasn’t in the happiest of moods that day and I had to turn off my screen and sob my eyes out for about 5 minutes.

The internal dialogue went something along the lines of:

I am pleased to report I have grown some since then.

Reassured by all my attachment research which has reminded me that us single people do indeed have attachments, they just tend to be other family members and friends.

(And sometimes even pets )

So it got me thinking of all the people in my life who play this attachment role for me and how grateful I am for them, for their love and support and for just consistently showing up. I realise that there are a lot of people in this world who struggle with attachment issues and as a result, they feel very lonely and disconnected. It’s not easy finding people who get you and love you flaws and all…

Speaking of which…

The prodigal flatmate has returned…..

and he has forgiven me for murdering his plants.

Look I dont have the best track record with plants.

He took a huge risk leaving them in my care.

Anyhow, it’s really lovely to have him back….

however, I am a little concerned about the new additions to his toiletry basket.

I think we need to have a talk about the ducks….

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