Children Tales, Courage, Facing Fears, Procrastination

Day 1: Be Brave Challenge – And it Begins…..


Post 1 

I absolutely love writing and storytelling. Last year, after my mum’s death I felt, understandably blocked. This year, thank goodness, things are starting to shift and I’m beginning to feel more like my old self again.

I have to say I just adore Ralph Smart. He is quirky, a little crazy, positive, passionate and an amazing teacher. 😊In one of his videos, he talks about how the only way he was able to completely overcome his fear of doing youtube videos was by producing quantity over quality. He said the more frequently you put stuff out there, the less time you will have to worry or obsess about how ‘perfect/imperfect it is’. I own up to possessing this unrelenting perfectionist streak. It’s absolutely my biggest block and I think I’m finally sick of it. Frankly its exhausting and is probably the reason I only ever write one blog post a year. (If that…) It’s literally stopping me from doing the one thing that I love doing the most.

So 2018 is my year of change and facing my fears head-on. I hate having to speak in public, so I started Toastmasters. (Incidentally, I did my first speech about two weeks ago….and it really wasn’t that terrible. What do you know? I’m still alive….and in fact, I actually enjoyed it.) 😉 So now I want to challenge myself a bit on my writing. I have a plan😎. My plan is to write something on my facebook status every day for 40 days. (Even if its just one sentence). To be honest this petrifies the shit out of me….because somedays I can be absolutely black with not an inch of positivity inside me. ( those are usually my closet hiding days😂) …but as John C Parkins so eloquently titled his book…..” fuck it”. Maybe it will force me to find something, no matter how small to be grateful for, even on those black hole days. Yogi Bhajan said “It takes 40 days to break a habit; 90 days to gain the new habit; 120 days and you are the habits;
1,000 days you are Master of it.” …..doesn’t sound too hard to me😎😇

Post 2 

Aaaaand one last thing…then I’m done for the day! 😂

I have to say I hate driving fast or being in a car with someone who is speeding. My heart literally feels like a Purdue bass drum (that would be the worlds largest drum- I googled it! ) and my life genuinely flashes before my eyes. Yes, I admit it I’m an anxious wuss. I don’t care how “awesome” a driver you may be…..I love my life and plan to live to 108. 
So thought it was super sweet when I was working with this gorgeous little 5-year-old girl today…..who out of the blue declared: “My daddy drives really fast you know ” 
Me: “mmmmm…..really? …. how does that make you feel? ” (does my years of therapy show?) 
” I get really scared” 
Me: ” mmm….have you ever told your daddy you get scared?” 
” Yes but he says I mustn’t worry he won’t crash……but I’m still scared you know. I don’t want to crash and go to hospital. “

Yep…I hear you sweetheart……me neither. 

So on behalf of all the mini anxious backseat passengers out there…please remember its not always that easy for us non-speed freaks not to worry…. and it is more likely easier for you to slow your speed than it is for us to slow down our heartbeat. Ok rant done… Have a beautiful evening😘

# saying my say for little anxious people out there