Facing Fears, Pole dancing

Day 2: Be Brave Challenge Conquering the Pole! (No not the North Pole;-)

I started pole dancing when I was 39. I have to be honest…I still completely suck😂. My amazing teacher would disagree with me…but then that’s cause she is an amazing teacher😍. I, unfortunately, have a bad back and granny knees which means I’m continually trying to navigate moves without pissing one of them off. I moan a lot😂. My nickname is Fairy ( self-given of course. Cause I ain’t nothing like one) But I absolutely looooooove it!!!! For three years I have watched in awe as the girls do the pole show. They were so incredible….so beautiful…..so brave! Last two years I have been doing my honours (didn’t have time) and dealing with grief (way too bloody miserable) – these have been my honourable excuses…..although the real truth is I was too freakin’ petrified. This year was different…finished my honours, done feeling miserable. I paid for my pole lessons (and my much needed therapeutic pilates lessons) a whole 4 months in advance. I was determined !!!!! Um……then I somehow managed to overdo it and injured my knee. 🤕 Have been unable to pole for the last month and a half…..I have a sneaky feeling I won’t be a fairy at the pole show again this year……… oh the bittersweet irony. 😂

But mark my words Tharene Windsor Fairy will defy those granny knees and she will be back! And she will do pole show!!!! (Before she is 50😎)