Friendship, Gratitude, Uncategorized

Day 7: Be Brave Challenge – My Wonderful Friend Constance!

I have to admit I struggled to get out of bed this morning. I lay there mulling over my Kuk Monday (why do things always happen in threes?) and feeling a little daunted by the fact that it’s only day 7 of my challenge..what the hell am I going to write about for another 37 days?  My energizer bunny🐰 refill seemed to be delayed and I just felt completely deflated. But I did my morning pages, I did my meditation and managed to drag my lazy arse out of bed. Then I had a random thought about my friend Constance and I had to smile.

Constance is the Xhosa teacher at my school who basically shares my classroom with me when she isn’t teaching. She has done so for the last 5 years or so. Having Constance in my class is like having a mother on tap 24\7. I often call her my heart transfuser. When I’m having ‘those’ days she knows I just need looooooong hug and she is always happy to oblige. Constance is one of those permanently happy people that just seems to always be calm and content. (I envy that😌) She never judges me, listens to my never-ending stories with a smile and on the odd occasion tells me to pull myself together and reminds me I’m a “strong girl”. (She also has strict instructions not to let me leave the room if I am fuming mad and ready to explode.) We laugh constantly and sometimes it’s just a look that will set us off. To say I love her to bits would be an understatement. Sometimes the thought of her hug is enough to pull me out of bed. So today I’m just grateful to have her in my life.