Anxiety/Depression, Poetry

On the wings of a dream

Approximate reading time: 6 minutes

Written the 17 April 2021

Last night’s dream was more gruesome

 than I’d like to admit

I don’t really want to write…

it feels pretty shit

But my poetry was started

 from analysing my dreams

somehow journaling them brings clarity

(well so it seems)

An ex-friend

someone I used to know

was being attacked by my ex-boyfriend

from years ago

(He was never violent with me

I just have to say)

Such a random dream

to try and explain

Except now they were dating

 I was just watching his abuse

I was trying to pull him off her

but it was simply no use

I was constantly on the phone

 calling 9 1 1

this frantic feeling

“Someone has to come!”

What unnerved me the most

the malevolent grin on her face

If she even felt upset

then I couldn’t find a trace

When the police finally came

 her boyfriend was killed

I was sitting with her

all the blood left me chilled

Her parents arrived home

I was so fucking relieved

I ran out to meet them

and was horrified to see….

The same abusive boyfriend

(He was alive again)

he started attacking us all

not just my friend

So, the cycle continued

“Quick call 911!”

He’s killed yet again

 we’re then back where we begun…

Like a cat with 9 lives

he kept coming back

This overwhelming feeling

of powerless and lack

No way to stop him

To make him go away

Feeling hunted, scared

as helpless as prey

And then suddenly

at the dream’s pinnacle end

I watched in wonder

as my dearest ex-friend

disappeared from sight

 she had a superpower

(Why the fuck didn’t she use it

at an earlier hour?)


I’m fascinated by dreams states

what goes on in our brains

I’ve analysed my dream

 so I’ll try to explain

(Just to name my source

before I go on

Dr Stickgold from Harvard

would be the one)

Adults have 3-5 R E M cycles

of sleep per night

(roughly 90 minutes

if your 7-8 hour sleep pattern is right)

This REM stage

is where our dreams will occur

Our dreams have a function

they aren’t simply absurd

The emotional brain in REM sleep

 is heightened and cranked up

While the logic and reason part

is quite simply shut

This explains why our dreams

feel so incredibly real

We are unable to rationalise

that they’re not a true ordeal

Our dreams take elements

of what’s occurring in our day

Then weaves it into a story

to help us explain…

What’s happening

what emotions run through our head

              Our brain processes new information

while we lie in bed

Creating elaborate stories

integrating memories from long ago

memories that connect

with the new feelings on show

It’s almost like our brain is trying to summarise

To help us understand the gist

the implication for our lives…


So, my anxiety has been

almost unbearable this week

I’ve been crying so much

at times I couldn’t speak

I have struggled to find ways

to regulate my tears

While so blatantly aware

 of my underlying fears

Just too many cases

of having to let complete strangers in

I am absolutely petrified

 of being hurt again

Trying to find an EMDR therapist

 (I have spoken to 4….)

feeling so triggered

 I want to run for the door

Simultaneously interviewing flatmates

for our empty room

every person that comes

seems to fill me with more gloom

And I don’t want to open up emotionally

and share personal things in CI

I want to quit the course

I’m not going to lie

Sirens continually screech in my head

“Can you trust this person?


And hence my anxiety is fed

When it comes to trusting people

I’ve made bad decisions in the past

my ability to trust my judgment

has been left a little aghast

So did my brain take that fear

and turn it into a thriller?

Emotional pain becomes my abusive killer

The reason it was stuck on groundhog day

I’ve relived this pattern

more times than I can say

I physically can’t go there anymore……

It’s like those thousands of tiny cuts

dripping blood on the floor

My friend’s superpower

 being able to disappear

was obvious and so abundantly clear

After 20 years of friendship

I was suddenly dropped

All communication with her

was completely stopped

She ignored my messages

not a single reply

To any of my attempts

to reach out and ask why

It often feels like we

are prepared somehow growing up

That break ups with boyfriend’s

can be very tough

But losing close friends

is rarely talked about

The pain and confusion

often just leaves you with doubt

And I go round in these circles

trying to ascertain

What about me attracts this

again and again

I feel like my mind loops

100 times a day

I don’t know how to stop it

how to wash it all away

My adult head understands this

is just part of life

people are complicated

we don’t always get a why

But still in this state

I feel haunted and obsessed

Fuck it sometimes

my mind’s just a mess

How do you trust that others

won’t just pick up and walk away?

I’m embarrassed it’s happened

more times than I can say


So there you go ….

my dream analysis is finally done

although I am pretty sure you wish

it had never begun…

But the good news

I found an EMDR therapist

One less thing my overwhelmed mind

will have to address

He was calm, he was kind

He was seasoned and mature

I felt good talking to him

I felt reassured


So, I am living my life

on the wings of a dream

I have more hope in my heart

that at times it may seem

This is simply a stage

I need to get through

Letting go of relational trauma

is not easy to do