

Written 15th April 2021

I’m sitting in my chair

overwhelmed with gratitude

tears stream down my face

what else can I do?

But capture this feeling of absolute love

put down on paper

what it feels like to be enough

It’s been a horrible day

still reeling emotionally inside

completely exhausted

still wanting to hide

I reached out to my therapist

who picked up the phone and called

(The man is on bloody holiday

yet he didn’t mind at all)

I was so scared he’d be angry

that he would be really annoyed…

“These bloody neurotic clients
are so dam hard to avoid!”

Of course, he has NEVER

 ever done that

 he only models kindness and patience

when we interact

So, I don’t know why I’m crying

 it’s just touched me so

amazed that its always

love that he shows

Nothing sexual

nothing untoward

just this overwhelming acceptance

that leaves me a bit flawed

Free from judgement

he accepts me as I am

He acknowledges my strength

continually reminds me

I can…

Move through the pain

move through the anxiety

These feelings aren’t permeant

just let them be

That I am growing every day

 I am stronger than I know

I will work through this sensitivity

and that I’ll reach my plateau