Approximate reading time: 12 minutes This week has been amazing and terrible all at once:-) Let’s get the terrible out of the way. Sometimes I’m not quite sure if I am brave and keep pushing my boundaries or just plain stupid and keep crossing my boundaries. (It’s such a fine line you know!) After deciding …
Hold the line
Approximate reading time: 6 min Written the 23rd May 2021 Avicii is dead!? Three years ago! How can this be? How did I NOT know? Well in fairness I know the answer to that Ten years ago I made myself a pact to stop watching the news reading newspapers and magazines which only fuelled my …
Approximate reading time: 6 minutes I find it very interesting how so much of my life at the moment, somehow seems to link in with each new poem at hand. Same life lessons, different contexts. ****** So, last week was pretty great. I was a happy mummy to one doggy child. While walking Bailey …
Just a great day!
Approximate reading time: 4 min Written the 19th May 2021 Today I had the absolute BEST of days one where my inner child Karis comes out to play Connected, relaxed in tune with everyone Conscious of my kiddies all having fun I had an epiphany An illumination of sorts (Just sit tight I’m gonna tell you …
Time for Everything
Approximate reading time: 4 minutes Last week was a super chilled week. I had two days of lectures and two days with lovely Bailey. Dolly’s mum has decided to send Dolly to doggy daycare during the week so now I only have Bailey to contend with. I have to admit it’s much easier having one …
Rescue gone wrong
Approximate reading time: 3 min 16 May 2023 I woke up this morning feeling a tad blue Anger and bitterness seeping right through So I wrote in my journal I tried to eek it out these feelings and emotions that always cause doubt In my healing in my growth in my ability to cope these …
I am not IT literate
Approximate reading time: 9 min It’s been a while since I wrote anything ‘fresh’. I feel like I might have forgotten how to write… What to say? What to say? It has become apparent this last month that the Goddess of technology has completely forsaken me. I have almost zero memory left on my phone… …
The real perpetrator
Approximate reading time: 5 min Written 5th April 2023 I just finished a live lecture With Gabor It left so much emotion swimming Feelings so raw He was working with a woman Who was struggling with her past She’d had a sexual encounter That had left a deep mark She said she was drunk But …
Thank you
Written 2 April 2021 I’m still trying to finish “Finding my words” A month and a half later isn’t that absurd I’m suddenly very mindful that I need to take a break I’m emotional, teary my chest physically aches So I quietly sit down take some time to meditate A hopeful attempt, perhaps some calmness …
I H.A.T.E Yoga!
Approximate reading time: 4 min Written 28th April 2021 Bessel Van de Kolk author of the ‘The body keeps score’ quotes nothing heals trauma significantly more than doing yoga connecting to your breath…. (honestly, I’d rather pull teeth instead) I’ve tried stupid yoga many times before every single time I want to hightail for the …