Approximate reading time: 8 min I will admit for most of my life I have always hated that word ‘Blessed’. It’s a little bit of a trigger word for me. (Just a wee, little bit:-) As a young child, I remember sitting at our dinner table listening to grace being said, something about being ‘thankful …
Tag: singlegirl
That WAS the plan! (PART 1)
Approximate reading time: 20 min Just warning you, you might need to make some tea….this is gonna be a long one:-) Quite a lot has gone on these last two years so I thought I might do a little catch-up with all that I have been doing with my time. I mentioned in my “The …
Hello all, So, on re-editing the old posts that I found in my “Post Graveyard” I found myself a wee bit confused. Wow! I sounded so happy! I said things like “Life was great” and “I have so much to be grateful for“. I just sounded so dam fucking perky! I found a huge part …
The one about the wedding dress…(Continued)
Hello all, I know, I know it feels like Christmas. 3 posts in one week! After 2 years of deathly silence, even I am in shock! Anyway, so my story continues with me now still owning two ‘bloodied’ wedding dresses that I cannot exchange AND apparently I still need to pass “Assertiveness Skills 101!” I …
Dating stories- Part 2
Reading time is 25 minutes Take-Two with Amos Fast forward to the next weekend, another meet- up and who should I bump into but Amos. I met Amos about 4 months ago at one of my first ever meetups. I wrote about the night where we spent most of the evening dancing together and then …
Dating stories…Part 1
Reading time is 20 minutes Oh my God, I feel like I’m so backlogged with dating stories. I’m like 4 weeks behind already…..sometimes I get carried away with all this deep shit, like loneliness and life lessons. 😂 I mean I do secretly love my deep shit, really! But writing dating stories is so much …