Anger, Narcissism, Poetry

The “Enablers”

Approximate Reading time: 6 min

Written 4th April 2012

I’m feeling a little irritated

going to purge it out

A random comment passed today

Which was essentially about…

My interaction with Jude

(the horrible cook)

On our engagement yesterday

in which we both partook

The headteacher gave reassurance

I’m not the only one

Who finds dealing with this person

 anything but fun

It was asserted that currently

there was a list mile long

of the hurtful things

that this woman had done 

Acknowledgement was made

lots of staff have complained

and yet it was said

 to me all the same:

“Please kill her with kindness

be the bigger one

Let’s not give her ammunition

 to shoot her gun”

Say what?


Are you taking the piss?

My ears couldn’t believe

 was I hearing this?

Of course, I said nothing

While the inner voices raged

Please explain to me why

 her behaviour is deemed ok?

I stood up for a child

who was not being treated well

That’s not a crime

as far as I can tell.

And yes I laughed at her glare

her look of disgust

A knee-jerk retaliation

I certainly didn’t start all this fuss

In my childlike way

I was attempting to defend

so why am I the one

expected to make amends?

I’ve spent years of my life

“Doing the right thing!”

Sucking down my anger

Ignoring the sting

“Turn the other cheek”

Try my best to be ‘nice’

While I ignore bad behaviour

and my heart in its vice

I am just so done

 so fucking completely worn

of being so inauthentic

 always feeling so torn

So yes, being the “BIGGER” person

is so noble to be

but not at the sake

of my own authenticity

And I’m so confused as to how

If so many others have complained

you protect this woman

allow her toxicity to remain?

It got me thinking about my hero

Dr Ramani

(And yes, I’ve become

 an obsessed devotee)

The topic of “enabling”

 how we so often appease

We simply do nothing

when we feel ill at ease

When we ignore bad behaviour

 simply look the other way

turning a blind eye

to the hurtful things

narcissists say

Some of the comments

that Dr Ramani reveals,

that enablers use to gaslight

how you feel

“Don’t be so sensitive

 they didn’t mean it the way you think.. ..”

Invalidates your experience

leaving you feeling hoodwinked

“Shame they had a tough upbringing”

 Meaning cut them some slack

 they have a perfectly valid reason

for behaving like that!

Or how about

“Come on it’s really not All THAT bad”

minimizing any feelings of anger

 you might have had

Another invalidating statement

 that so easily condemns

“Well, I’ve never had

ANY trouble with them

Dr Ramani explains

the reason might simply be

the narcissist is emboldened as

that person refuses to see…

  That by turning a blind eye

they continually condone

So of course the narcissist

might leave them alone

Ramani goes on to

 clearly point out

The danger of always giving

narcissists the benefit of the doubt….

The lack of acknowledgement

someone is not being treated well

often leaves victims of abuse

 feeling truly dismal

Like it’s all their fault

because others won’t see

the damage that can be done

 with this toxicity

So, with no consequences

 let’s just maintain the status quo

Victims of narcissistic abuse

feel lost and alone

Their mental health is corroded

The damage goes on

As the toxic environment

quietly carries on