Anger, Poetry, Self-love

The Hump

Written 2nd of February 2021

We live in a world, as far as I can see,

where we constantly judge others and won’t let them be.

We take our own truth, what we believe,

Painting it all over other people we see.

We assume we are right,

that our way is the best

we send out the message,

to hell with the rest!

We leave little room for personality or temperament.

We lash out in anger or quietly resent.

Because if others are wrong and we are right,

Then maybe we can get a good sleep at night?

We have lost the ability to practise compassion and see,

the beauty of someone, not just like me.

Can we learn to begin looking with an open heart?

Simply recognising differences.

Would be a good start.

Put down the yardstick we carry around.

We don’t have to agree,

but grace in listening can be found.

Allow others to simply have their say,

not giving it the power to ruin our day!

Oh, good Lord look at me!

Why don’t I just go hug a fucking tree?

Such words of insight and oh so sage wisdom,

As I secretly drown in my own cynicism

As I write this poem I sit in a hump,

so, annoyed with someone I want to give her a thump.

Yes. I know this truth is so easy to write!

So much damn harder to practise in our real life!

She expressed her opinion,

(She was rude and mean)

How dare she!

(My internal rant)

She is soooo not part of the team!

But maybe sitting quietly simply channelling this poem

Has the purpose of hitting a reminder home.

A message meant only really for me….

It’s okay to allow others to

…… simply just be.