Approximate reading time: 2 min
Written 27th July 2021
So continuing with my session
my friend asked me the age
Of this inner little critic
Who keeps taking centre stage
Urg I know who it is
Neurotic Angel through and through
My inner teenage counterpart
Who sticks to me like glue
She never feels nearly
ever good enough
Everything about her
always feels too much
So, we chatted about her reality
what goes on in her head
then he asked me the CI question
(That I particularly dread)
“What do you need to say
To help this teenage part
feel a little less lonely
and more connected to your heart?”
Instant anger and irritation
Rapidly occurred
I acknowledged begrudgingly…
“I don’t want to say a fucking word!”
I personally don’t like teenagers
not one tiny little bit
(As someone who adores children
that’s pretty hard for me to admit)
Mind you, I don’t hate them
they just fill me with fear
if I had a choice to make
I wouldn’t keep them near
They make me so uncomfortable
I feel awkward as shit
Like I’m 13 again
So wholly unfit
If they are quiet and shy
they don’t make any noise…
they trigger all those feelings
of never having my own voice
But if they are loud and confident
and find it easy to chat
…slight jealousy and irritation…
Why couldn’t I have been like that?
I was intrigued to have this reaction
(Especially if I want kids one day)
It’s not like when they turn 13
I can have them shipped away
Could it be that I’m projecting
My pent-up anger and hidden shame
on all unsuspecting teenagers
Simply making them to blame?
Still stuck in that time
when I felt lost and alone
Just aching for a space
Where I could feel at home
And is it a mere coincidence
What I am reading right now
A chapter on forgiveness
And how we can allow
Compassion for ourselves
Learning to let go
Acknowledging old wounds
That stand in the way of our growth
So, I came from my session thinking
Perhaps it’s finally time
That I forgive this inner teenager
(Who never seems to toe the line)
Forgive her bitter anger
Forgive her jealous heart
Have compassion and acceptance
For all she desperately wants to impart
To tell her she is beautiful
She is quite simply just
And that there is space in my heart
to hold her with