Dealing with Grief, Friendship, Poetry

Tiny Pieces

(Written 25 January 2021)

How is it that after so many years,

thoughts of you can still move me to tears?

Ghosts from the past congeal in my mind,

friendships lost through the ages of time.

How is it that we play such a valuable role,

caring and loving for each other’s souls…

Then in an instant, I’m dropped, you move yourself on,

I’m left in the dust wondering, what I did wrong.

Okay, if I’m honest that’s not always true,

At times one or both of us just slowly withdrew.

But why is it so hard to simply let go?

To love what was once and then move on with the show?

Tiny pieces of my heart still scattered all around.

tiny pieces I fear might never be found.

Ghosts draw at my dreams you hang on tight.

You make yourself known in the dead of the night.

I’m not sure where to start, or how to let go?

I don’t have any answers, I really don’t know….

Perhaps patience and compassion is all I can gleam

For this whirlpool of emotion that lives inside me.