Approximate reading time: 6 min
Written 1st July 2021
It’s been a horrible week
Triggering so much shame
Dealing with a toxic parent
who is so quick to blame
I wish I had the courage
to call her on her shit
To stand up for myself
put a stop to this
But alas that’s not happening
I just suck it all down
In the running for biggest coward
I would win the crown

I am angry, I am frustrated
I feel so very hurt….
So, I just need 5 minutes
to get it all purged…
Look I can’t fight demons
that I cannot see
If your child is happy in school
(As happy as can be)
Afterschool restraint collapse
is 100% real
When children learn to mask
how they genuinely feel
They are happy and delightful
such a pleasure to teach

But as soon as they get home
they might start to yell and screech
have absolute meltdowns

it’s a little scary to watch
or even be around
The hard part is so often
teachers cannot believe
This perfect child is anything
other than what they see
That it’s really not that bad
How can it be so?
This is NOT the child
that they have got to know
So, parents are blamed
(They MUST be doing something wrong)
If the child behaves at school
Surely, it’s the parents who aren’t strong
But it’s not about parenting skills
just the child’s ability to cope
How these children mask all their anxiety
until they get home
This kind of behaviour
can affect one and all
and it doesn’t only happen
with children that are small
The children affected the most
are the highly sensitive
those with learning difficulties
or the more socially tentative
Adjusting to school schedules
not knowing what comes next
missing their parents
all have an effect
Having to sit for long periods
concentrating all the time
Causes anxiety for some students
that they just cannot define
They hold it all together
(The angels of the class)
but when they get home
they morph into the contrast
Tantrums, screaming, anger, rage
It’s an exhausting way
to have to end your day
“So, I GET it Lady!“
I know what’s going on
The child I see at school
is not the same one
that you deal with in your home
but honestly, I’m doing my best!
To create a safe space
where your child feels at rest
No one understands anxiety
more than me
I am so conscious of her issues
But when we met to discuss
To try and formulate a plan
you were cold and dismissive
before we even began
You ignored me completely
(I might as well have not been there)
You talked only to the head teacher
While dropping me the odd glare
Your child is on the autistic spectrum
(PS In my class I have 3)
Structure and routine
are what ALL THESE KIDS need
But my Teaching Assistant
Was moved out 5 weeks ago
To go and help support nursery
that was on a rocky road
So, things haven’t been easy
We’ve ALL been adjusting to the change
But when I heard about your child’s anxiety
I apologised all the same
It breaks my heart to know
that a child is struggling anywhere
I love all my kids
and I genuinely do care
So I did my best to apologise
I had no idea what was going on
(But in fairness how could I?
I’m not living in your home)
You made not one single attempt
to speak directly to me
Instead, you run to the head teacher
With all that you aggrieve
But now conscious of her issue
more aware of her anxiety
I have done my very best
to work with her sensitivities
I do regular check-ins
to see if she’s ok
I do my utmost to prepare her
for any changes in the day
But still, you write your emails
I can do nothing right
Honestly, it feels like
all you want to do is fight
I have such genuine lovely relationships
with the other parents in my class
Connecting well with parents
is such an integral part
Of how I want to teach
it’s not just about the child
Relationships with parents
should be lovingly styled
The worst part
This sinking feeling
in the gut of my soul
I don’t feel supported by the school
as they constantly console…
this toxic women
with all her unfair complaints
As she rants and raves
with so little constraint
And no this isn’t the first time
I have been in this space
A couple of weeks ago another
parent yelled in my face
In front of her child
she was belittling and rude
I stood frozen on the spot
Not sure what to do
All I could do was walk away
(I burst into tears)
Aggressive conflict
is the worst of my fears
When I brought this incident
to the leadership team
I was a little shocked
by what was said to me
“Oh we know that mum is toxic
shame that poor child”
It was almost laughable
how easily it was brushed aside
I queried if anything
would be done about this?
“I’ll give the mum a call
and see how she is?”
(Excuse me what?)
I couldn’t believe my ears
Keeping parents ‘happy’
seems to be the norm
(It appears)
What about addressing
the real issue that is at hand
Standing up for your staff
acknowledging that you understand
Putting boundaries down with parents
simply saying politely
“Yelling at my staff
will not be taken lightly”
Because I’m paid to do a job
and I do this job well
My kids are mostly happy
(As far as I can tell)
But I didn’t sign up to be
Yelled at or constantly maligned
by parents
who are mean
and quite simply unkind
I have 23 little souls
that I diligently watch out for
23 parents
who leave their hearts at my door
You constantly sing your staffs praises
You make such a wonderful fuss…
So why is it so incredibly hard
For you to stand up for us?
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