Anxiety/Depression, Poetry

Todays Lesson

Written the 28th February 2021

you know

I’d hoped

I was done for the day

no such luck

I clearly have much more to say

 today in CI training

18 people in our group

for a minute and a half

I had to ‘check-in’-

give the scoop

on how I was feeling

what’s going through my mind

was there anything interesting

in the learning material assigned

I shared I was good

so much to be grateful for

but that I still couldn’t leave

my anxiety at the door

(Frankly, I always feel

like that naughty little girl

You know the one

who had the little curl

when she was good

she was very, very good

but when she was bad…

she was horrid!)

my facilitator paused

she invited me to breathe

I honestly couldn’t

I wanted off the screen

she waited quietly

 I just wanted to scream

please, please all stop

 staring at me

she asked me kindly

 could we do a short CI session

my inner child bolted

as she asked the question

my heart in its vice

 my shoulders so tight

I recognised clearly

I was caught up in


I quickly said no

I would rather not

(I still don’t feel safe

to share with this lot

with no disrespect

 to all of them

this was simply my anxiety

kicking off again)

she was very sweet

she asked who felt the same

the nods and hands up




so, she led

a small grounding activity

with the hope of alleviating

 the general anxiety

she asked us to feel

in our bodies and locate

the feelings and sensations

being showcased

(Well, that was easy

My restricted airway

The vice on my heart


she then asked us all

what does it want you to know

how does it protect you

what does it perhaps show

like a cricket ball

the internal words hit

I wanted to cry

 it felt hard to admit

“I don’t want to be seen,

please look away

I really don’t have anything

worthy to say

I don’t want to ever

waste people’s time!”

(I’m cringing even now,

as I write this rhyme)

But another voice shouted

“That’s not true I swear

I’m constantly writing

putting myself out there”

Then a more loving voice

gently stirred

“that’s not being seen Gayle

that simply being heard

you create, you write, you constantly share

from the safety and comfort of

your Big Bear chair”

so, for now I’m left pondering

this new realisation…

an old belief that

causes so much agitation

but grateful it’s now conscious

 I’ll watch it closely

I’ll stay more in tune

for when it triggers in me