All about Dogs, Anxiety/Depression, Friendship, Poetry

A busy couple of weeks

Approximate Reading time:12 min

I feel like I haven’t written in months. My biggest apologies, but I have been knee-deep in online journals attempting to piece together my second assignment which was due today!

I am finally finished and it feels a little bit like heaven at the moment!;-)

Can I just say that finishing my assignment has been a pretty HECTIC undertaking while having ‘this’ stare at me 24/7!!

Beautiful Bailey with those soulful eyes that follow you everywhere……saying:

“Come hug me. Come kiss me. Come lavish me with LOVE!”

Not to mention that she has also started chewing everything.

Unfortunately even chewing things, she is adorable.

But that being said….
as loveable as she is….
last week she was in




She jumped on the kitchen table and started eating the uncooked chicken pie that I was busy making to welcome my new flatmate.


she was banned from the kitchen


That lasted ummmm…..all of 5 minutes….

It then dawned on me that if Bailey were a real child and my attachment-parenting skills were being critiqued I would be what we classify as a ‘controlling-over-smothering mother who sends atrociously mixed signals

(I can’t stop kissing her, even when she is in trouble)

and who lacks proficient boundary-setting skills.’

If Bailey were human she would definitely need therapy one day.

Just saying.

Moving on…..

So I have a new flatmate….

and …….

wait for it…..

his name is…….

Those ardent ‘few’ who read my posts regularly might recall me writing about a guy called Richard on the Undateables Series that I was watching at the time. Well, that night when I went out to my first ‘meet-up’ (in donkey’s years) I met a really lovely guy called Richard, with who I chatted quite a bit.

(My ‘gay-dar’ wasnt broken on that one – but he was lovely to chat to never the less;-)


I have a new flatmate called Richard who has a degree in chemistry!

(Didn’t I say I needed my very own chemist in my “Knitting words post“?)

Isn’t that just un-fucking believable people?

In fairness, I need to give my dearly-departed mother some of the credit.

Richard is a couple of weeks away from being ordained as an Anglican minister.

(Yes you heard me right!)

I have opted to live with clergy.

(You have noooo idea how far I have come:)

My mother,

(Who was a staunch Christian)

is currently doing flick flacks in heaven!

I can almost hear her singing praises as I write this.

“Thank you, Jesus

At last a good Christian man in the house!”

(So thank you my mummy)

Anyway, Richard is truly lovely.

I am pleased to report that he passed my sense of humour test.

(I’m sorry but if you don’t love James Veitch then we might never be friends.)

He didn’t seem to mind that Bailey had stuck her ‘hoover-snout’ in our chicken pie!

And get this…..

he started (and currently runs) his own charity in India where they do a lot of work in orphanages!

But that’s not even the best part …..

wait for it…..

the absolute pièce de résistancere

Richard has already emptied the dishwasher twice in 3 days.


I’m in shock.

I’m in awe.

(It feels like Christmas, honestly)

If he keeps spoiling me like this then I think he might be coming my new BFF!

(I’m so sorry Rachey, it was good while it lasted 🙁)

PS One of my regular dog owners who is in her mid 70’s lost her husband 2 years ago. She has recently started dating a man, and yes, you guessed it, his name is Richard. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I had actually manifested her Richard for her.

But there you have it.

More astounding evidence.

I also need to add that she seems perpetually dumbfounded by the fact that I am still single.

(Her and me both!)

I have to routinely remind her that:

“Im ok!!”

And that – Believe it or not my life is pretty good at the moment – even without out a significant other.

(Imagine that)

I sincerely doubt she believes me.

She has pointed out that she meets loads of male suitors on her dog walks and is continually getting invited out for coffee dates.

Dam I must be doing wrong. 😉

28th of February 2021

How did we get here?

Oh, good Lord seriously

are we back here again?

I can barely even imagine

how we used to be friends

Your notice was six weeks

You left at 4!!!

Your rent was two weeks short

when you walked out that door

It’s not THAT complicated

(as far as I can see)

Part of your deposit

paid the remaining fee

You blew a gasket

with a temper so very hot

Demanding and threatening

that we pay you the whole lot

You keep insisting…

Your six weeks’ notice

was cut to four?

I offered to TRY find someone earlier…


I’d been trying to do you a favour

perhaps save you a little cash

I honestly wished I hadn’t

after all this nasty backlash

No good deed goes unpunished

(Isn’t that what they say?)

You raged at me that I’d rue the day

Your words rang out like the bully

that you are.

“I’m warning you Gayle”.

(OOOOH I’m shaking from afar!)

You are like a dog with a bone

you will never let it go

It’s truly astounding

how your sense of entitlement has grown

You refuse to listen to logic

or anyone of us

We are all wrong

(It’s not YOU making a fuss!)

I’m not going to lie

I feel a little hurt and angry

I considered us friends

a little like family

I loved our time together

I enjoyed our bike rides

I felt like we bonded

that we were on the same side

But I feel like I’m left with egg on my face

How did I fall

so quickly from grace?

I’m always left wondering

…Is this just me????

What is it I missed?

What didn’t I see?

I did my absolute best,

to create a loving home.

Once again I’m left wondering

what lesson do I need to hone?

OH, FUCK it!

I’m so tired

of always analysing ‘My part’

We were ALL nothing but kind

from the very start

So, continue little child,

knock yourself out

Get our adverts blocked

Throw your toys and pout

Truly in this moment I really don’t CARE!!!

I’ve dealt with much worse

than you last year.

If I need to pay double rent

to cover your room

I’ll do it with a smile

(Coz we’ll be rid of your gloom)

We will find a new flatmate

(By hook or by crook.)

And you, but a mere lesson

debossed in my book

Despite your vindictive and childish games

We will move on with our lives

happy all the same

We will find someone

Who wants to be part of our team

Who can talk about issues

without judging and being mean

We will continue to get along

be kind and not clash!

God willing, our next flatmate

will know how to take out …

the bloody trash!

Written 2nd March 2021

Present Company

What’s it with these camps?

(I’d love to know)

Seems like a place my soul,

wants to go

Another dream last night

packing frantically

Trying to decide

what to take with me

I couldn’t find half my stuff

I was late again

(As I listened in horror

to the pouring rain)

But my best friend was there

we slept in a tent

When we packed up afterwards

we notice it was bent…

We had chosen

the absolute worst of spots

Flowing downhill

sleeping on fucking rocks

the message so clear

Life is often bumpy and hard

we make stupid decisions

that can throw us off guard

But hey,

I wasn’t alone!

My friend was with me

A step in the right direction

I’m as grateful as can be

So maybe this poem

is just a gush of gratitude

For those who stand by me

no matter what my mood

For the regular chats

for your love for your time

For simply checking in

to make sure I’m fine

You know who you are

No need to name names

So happy for your friendship

in this curious life game


Today I had

the weirdest of shifts

A small recognition

a tiny soul lift

I woke up early

with my usual anxiety

Vice on my heart,

panic in me

I go through the motions

I write

I meditate

By the time I left for school

I felt pretty great.

I was doing next week’s planning

with a colleague

When I became conscious

I was breathing heavily

I laughed and apologised

for my dramatic breaths

(Who’d think doing planning

could cause so much stress?)

It’s the newness of everything

so much I must learn

My own inner critic sits

in judgement so stern

My colleague is so sweet

such a beautiful soul

Reassuringly she laughs

“You’ve got this under control”

I left school today,

feeling so connected, so free

Grateful to be getting

a handle on anxiety.

I walked home, elated

feeling so proud

I might as well have been floating

on a happy cloud

Then a message comes in

another nasty text

from my ex-flatmate

(who has just recently left).

It was vindictive, unkind

threatening to

(Isn’t it so lovely

when a friend turns on you?)

In an instant, I felt

my chest vice-grip tight

In anticipation of my happiness

about to take flight

When I get triggered

I totally disconnect

I am going through the motions

but my soul just feels wrecked

In years passed

I’d simply phone a friend and cry

to help me reconnect to this thing

called, I.

But as I felt myself freeze

a little magic occurred

A tiny inner voice is all that I heard

“Just breathe, just breathe,

just breathe all the way home.

You’ve got this!

You’ve got this!

you are never alone!

I calmed myself down

I was able to regulate

I maintained my alignment

I didn’t abdicate

It felt like my breath

had a life of its own.

(Perhaps a small sign

of how much I’ve grown)

I remember being told

years ago

about the benefits of meditation

which will slowly start to show

As you train your body

to connect to your breath

It will start happening naturally

whenever you are stressed

So I’m excited today

a tiny breakthrough….

For the first time ever

my body knew what to do!